Classic Arcade High Scores

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by chairmansteve, Jun 16, 2011.

  1. I've not played any of those games, couple of years before my time I think. I'm playing Streets of Rage 2 on PS3 right now (had 1 + 2 on Mega Drive and have 1 + 2 + 3 on laptop) I'll post a high score if I get one. Playing through on hardcore right now.
  2. I used to hold the high score on a Galaga system in some trash bar. It’s really the only Arcade game I was ever any good at.
  3. Galaga? Just played it now, three credits.

    1 - I got owned . . . from behind.
    2 - I beat the default high score (20,000) with 22,660.
    3 - I got to stage 13 and 70,330 points.

    That any good? What do I need to beat the world famous trash bar score?
  4. I’ve yet to find a simulator that is exactly the same as the arcade version. The original arcade had some patterns you could run. If you get lucky on the random missile drops you can get pretty far with the patterns. The emulators I’ve used mess the patterns up because the horizontal playing field is shortened. Maybe the Xbox is the same though.

    It’s been many years ago but I think it was 250,000 or 280,000. That’s not anywhere near world record high but it was good enough for a bar full of drunk people.
  5. Galaga take 4 - 93,610 (stage 17)

    I didn't get shot until stage 13. Bitches started picking up speed and kamikrashing me in the corners.

    I'll try again once every day or two, for a week.
  6. Calling G4 for the movie rights!! lol
  7. I played Galaga a few more times. Scores ranged from 70K to 90K. The game is annoying. So it's Game Over for Galaga.

    I shattered my Flicky score (273,090) with 354,450.

  8. I dug deep for a monster score in Dig Dug.

  9. I'd never seen this stage in Donkey Kong. And that's my new high score.

  10. What's next for you? Jacks? Hopscotch?
  11. Aren't your people supposed to be good at classic arcade games? Represent.
  12. I pretty much suck at every single classic game there is. Dig Dug was my favorite and I could never get past level 3. I was actually sort of good at Pole Position but not anymore.
  13. I joined the Donkey Kong 50K club.

  14. Switch to Virgin Mobile and get a cheap android phone so we can play games like wordfeud and what not.
  15. The last time I'd played Pengo was in the early 80s, in an airport.

  16. Almost made the Donkey Kong 100K club.

  17. makes you an acomplished monkey! Bonified even!
  18. Round of 16! Can you dig it?


    Dig Dug is the best classic arcade game. No doubt.
  19. Look what I found.


    Took me 4 quarters to get here. A far cry from my glory days.
