Feds Shut Down Massive Child Porn Ring

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by cmdrmonkey, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. Around 600 pedophiles were using a secret online forum called "Dreamboard" to exchange kiddy porn. There have already been 72 arrests.


    Tossed Salad Man and Fleece Johnson will be pleased to make their acquaintance in prison.

  2. I read about this yesterday. It bothered me for the rest of the day.
  3. Saw this story, scumbags the lot of them.

    Our courts have just jailed someone indefiniley who had 300,000!!!! images. The annoying thing is that although it is an indefinite sentence he can appeal for release after 3 years, me thinks sentences laws need changing for these type of people.


    Hopefully catching paedophiles is getting easier for the authorities.
  4. It's the scale and level of organization that makes it so disturbing in my opinion.