Gran Turismo 5 photos

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by chi, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Somewhere for you to post any good shots you've got from replays or if you want to show off your motor.

    I'm posting some good photos from the race on the Nurburgring with me, monsly and armadeadn.








  2. Now you've gone and done it. You've created a thread so genius that I'll have to create a Gears of War 2 knockoff copy so people other than me can look at the pics I took ages ago.

    p.s. the 6th pic down is pure fail lol
  3. Lol, most of your driving in thy race was pretty fail. You were all over the shop.

    [edit] oi! post your stuff as well! You can't just steal my idea and not contribute!
  4. Here are pretty much all of my pics taken so far.

    Starting with that epic F40 crash at Le Mans

    Me not crashing the F40

    Tales from the now infamous Nurbergring Race we had

    I'm proud of my Nissan GT-R SpecV GT Academy Version

    This was a pic taken too close to the GT-R but as it looks kinda cool I kept it

    My Impreza Rally Prototype '01 doing the Rally Special Event

    A rather tasty shot of my GT-R '09 in action

    The detail seems endless, look at the reflection on the diffuser of my S2000 GT1 Turbo

    My lovely Murcielago SV with a paint job that cost me 77,000cr

    Some pics of my DB9

    Loch Ness Monster

    The first pic I took

    My first photo travel

    The race version of my favourite car in the world

    Man takes dump, other man notices lol

  5. It took fookin ages to upload all these photos 8 at a time to this is the most time consuming post I've ever done, it took almost 2 hours!
  6. Some good shots there. You found nessie as well? I might try and get some interior shots. Some of the detail they've put in there is ridiculous.
  7. I don't own the game yet. Is there a screenshot feature that lets you easily upload photos of your cars to the web?
  8. You can upload some to your GT profile but for posting on the web you'll need to export them to the XMB then transfer them via USB stick.

    You can take photos ether from replays. (unfortunately there's no FF/RW function) or go to photo travel, which lets you place your car in some pretty nice real world environments and photograph premium cars. Unfortunately, standard models aren't allowed in this mode)
  9. I set the pics I want to upload to Online mode (8 at a time) so they're uploaded to I then save them to my computer, then I do the same thing I always do when I want to post pics here that are on my hard drive, I upload them to facebook, then copy the url. That's why it took me so long to post these pics. After you upload them to you have to wait a certain amount of time while they're being processed I guess.
  10. But which way is faster? I'll race you.
  11. ok, at 11pm we'll have a picture we took earlier and upload it to here. No cheating! First one to post their pic here wins your red bull x2010 :)
  12. But I already have a red bull X1, does that mean I has wons already? Okay, I'll find a photo.
  13. lol. im taking a fresh one now, since all mine are already uploaded.
  14. it's painfully obvious that you'll win you're not uploading to and I am.
  15. but my pic will be MUUCCH better, i've just taken it lol
  16. Looking forward to seeing it. How long does it take to get to

    I tried visiting It was not the right place...
  17. it seems to take a random amount of time. it might be quiker than usual this time as I'm only uploading 1 pic instead of 8. This is like a challenge on the gadget show :lol: I'll set the pic to online when my laptop read 23:00. it says 22:56 now.
  18. Well I'll post three, just cos I CAN. it's 23.02 by my clock. Bwahahaha

  19. I call shenanigains! mine isn't even on yet! Do you have to exit the game to export them to your usb stick?
    I've seen that first one before, it's a good shot. I like the focus on the grass in the car's wake.
  20. Yeah, I keep a USB stick permanently plugged in for save backups. Only takes a couple of second to copy them over then just plug into pc and upload! I can give you an X1 if you want.