After getting their asses kicked by online protests last month, Hollywood now says it wants to take a gentler approach to dealing with piracy. Maybe one that wouldn't involve censoring the internet. They want to hold discussions on college campuses to get ideas about what they're doing wrong. I wish people would realize that there's strength in numbers. Corporations and the government only rule because they have our consent. All we have to do to stop fascism is stand up to it and these assholes back down. It's too bad people didn't protest NDAA like this.
Most people probably have no idea what the NDAA is. It doesn't help that most people seem to be too stupid to piece together the fact that Obama's signing statement claiming that he won't use this power pretty clearly demonstrates that they believe they do indeed possess this authority. I constantly hear people claim either he gave his word he won't do it so we're safe or that it doesn't apply to American citizens. They circumvent The Constitution through the guise of the terrorism label and stating that the US homeland is included in the battlefield of war. I'm hoping that at least the indefinite detention clause is killed via a bill in Congress, but that will take pressure from the public. I'm not sure they can take the time to turn off Dancing with the Stars and NFL football to care that their basic rights are being stripped away.
[quote author=AKS] I'm not sure they can take the time to turn off Dancing with the Stars and NFL football to care that their basic rights are being stripped away. [/quote] Honestly, I think the only reason millions of people rose up against SOPA is because the internet is so insanely popular and people didn't want to see it gutted, not because people feel strongly about their rights. It's kind of sad really.
Maybe people didn't stand up to the NDAA because they figured that since they're not terrorists and have no reason to cause suspicion they have nothing to fear from this new bill, unlike SOPA which would definitely affect them.