Just drag and drop from a folder on the Mac that has all of the songs in. I am not to sure if it is just on Itunes itself as I only use Itunes to listen to music as I don't have an Iphone or Ipod.
bfun, what type of mp3 player are they using? Without that information, you're really limited on your help for them. ipod/iphone needs itunes (or 3rd party application that is compatible), zune uses it's own software, etc. Not all mp3 players are capable of drag and drop.
I thought they all did. All the MP3 players I have had have been. You just pop it in and its own folder for music files pops up. Then I just drag and drop or copy to that said folder. Edit: Actually thinking back, my first MP3 player was a Sony one and it needed its own software. Gay times.
Throw the macbook in the dumpster. Buy a real computer. Problem solved. Or if there isn't a dumpster nearby you could put bootcamp on it and install Windows 7.
Good point. I'll ask her. This is for someone who suffers from a disability and no one is able to help her. Figured I'd tap the PVC brain trust.
The two choices for her would be: A. Find/use an iTunes software alternative for OS X to organize her music. Once you know what device she has, look for a device user forum for OS X and see what people are using/suggesting. Songbird is one possible alternative for OS X. http://www.getsongbird.com/system-requirements.php or B. Drag and drop files from the User/Music/iTunes folder that she already has on her Mac. It's much more convenient to go with choice 'A' though.
Here is my question. I open iTunes on my Mom's Mac. Any song demo that I try to play buffers like crazy. It might play for 2 seconds then buffer for 4 then play for 2 then buffer for 4, and so on. However I can stream a whole movie preview on iTunes without issue. The Internet connection is fine and I can stream music demos from Amazon without a hitch. Right now the iTunes store is unusable for music demos. I think the problem started a few days ago. I don't have the Mac in front of me so I can't do any further testing. Whats my problem? I expect a better answer than this piece of gold.
Check the App Store for system updates. If everything is updated, then it's likely a temporary issue. I'm running Yosemite and not having any problems like that on a DSL connection this AM. Takes less than a second to buffer, no stalling or additional buffer time.