lol for a politician this guy is completely devoid of any situational awareness... now he's the defacto internet meme for creepy old guy
They are obviously out of context, but still hilarious. I guess the first pic is from last week and trended on Twitter, the internet delivered the rest. The look on the 2 guys faces in the 2nd pic and the cops face are total win. I laughed at the uranus joke. It might be over for Joe... Travolta is in.
so... this has become a problem now... lol
Likes groping women. Zero self awareness. Likes giving bizarre, comical, over the top speeches. He's basically the Democrat version of Trump.
Uncle Joe has a good reputation with the average voter, but holy hell he would get obliterated in a meme war.
There's some debate as to whether Mr Grabby Hands here is too creepy for the MeToo era. Some latina political candidate is saying he grabbed her butt and tried to kiss her. Can America’s favorite creepy uncle learn to stop groping and kissing women and teenage girls?
Trump would destroy Biden in a presidential campaign. The nickname "Creepy Uncle Joe" is already a nickname Biden has been called for awhile. The groundwork is already in place. A lot of the Democrats' strategy opposing Trump has been to label him as a misogynist sexual predator, with allegations mysteriously appearing right before elections or appointments then vanishing into a black hole. I don't think Biden wants to go there. Most people haven't seen the videos of him groping women and making weird suggestive comments about kids while sniffing their hair. I showed one video to a friend a couple of months ago without telling him much in advance, and he was completely shocked when he watched it. I was talking to him on Discord and heard his reactions over my headset as he was watching it.
He’s definitely the type who likes to come at women and girls from behind. Thrusting and grabbing while smelling their hair, whispering sweet nothings in their ears, and trying to give them kisses. Give Uncle Joe a taste of that sugar! He’s America’s favorite creepy uncle. Creepy uncle Joe.