Justified - GoAT

Discussion in 'Entertainment' started by supersonic, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. Justified is about to conclude with the much anticipated showdown:

    Raylan Givens vs. Boyd Crowder
    One or both will never leave Harlen alive...

    The core story is a 6 season game of chicken between childhood friends

    Raylan Givens
    - U.S. Marshall, Kentucky
    - fulltime badass
    - anti-hero
    - gun slinger

    Boyd Crowder
    - highly intelligent
    - forever unlucky
    - ruthless outlaw
    - explosives / bank heist expert

    Justified checklist:
    - eccentric super-villains (seasonal)
    - memorable button men (weekly)
    - gratuitous violence and nudity
    - compelling characters matched to tier 1 actors
    - the best dialog to ever be broadcast on television

    I'm going to be sad to see this show go.... Solid 9.5/10

  2. Re: Justified - GoAT contender

    I'll admit that I don't know what GoAT is. Greatest of All Time?
  3. Re: Justified - GoAT contender

    Show is okay. It can be great at times but it's not as consistently good as something like Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones. It has a lot of episodic villain of the week type stuff that often doesn't go anywhere and gets kind of boring. Boyd and Ray Givens are really good characters though. The show is a solid 8/10 IMO.
  4. Re: Justified - GoAT contender

    In technical merit, agreed that Breaking Bad is the better show. I would rank this above Game of Thrones.

    Justified was at its peak in Season 2,3,4.... with S4 being my favorite. Season 1 was good, but it'd be a bit of a chore to re-watch at this point. The show found its stride Season 2 and held on to it. Season 5 was a bit of a downer due to a totally inept villain, probably the only season the side plots were better. Season 6 has made a good recovery with Sam Elliot playing the big bad boss. Although, the arc to force the Boyd/Raylon confrontation is paper thin.... The show has always been about the characters and their interactions with each other.

    Justified has more swagger than anything on TV. That helps play a huge part in making it a Greatest of All Time contender, even if not the actual winner.

  5. Re: Justified - GoAT contender

    Better Call Saul could also turn out to be one of the greatest tv shows. It's off to a stronger start than Breaking Bad was at this point.
  6. Re: Justified - GoAT contender

    The body count escalates... Mikey turned out to be a fucking beast after 6 years as a sugar cookie getter. They also found a button man crazy enough to pull on Raylon, hope to see that shootout resolved next week. I was kinda disappointed with the 21 foot rule hype last season.
  7. Re: Justified - GoAT contender

    :'( Finito

    Justified finale delivers fan service. They gave the ending viewers wanted at the cost of the ending the story needed... Not going to lie, as a long time viewer I liked the happyish ending for standout characters. Like I said, maybe not Breaking Bad level in technical quality, but I always found this show cooler and more fun to watch.
