It's been ambiguous who are actual photography nuts in this forum. I'll just throw this question out there.. So I currently own a Canon Powershot G10 camera that I bought a few years ago. Recently, I've been pondering if I should go for a DSLR camera. Originally, it was the size that put me off and made me go for the G10. I still have some issues with DSLR sizes.. so I've been looking at the MFT cameras. Anyone here messed around with both for a bit of time? I'm willing to go with a DSLR if the difference is that noticeable.. I'm more using it for casual photography rather than trying to win some pulitzer prize for photography.
Go to and prepare to have your mind blown. Some PHD grad researched this up for his thesis and is now selling it as a camera. I intend to get one when it comes with Windows compatible software, it is OSX only now. The device literally captures EVERYTHING in the cameras field of view, and you adjust the focus and zoom to suit your taste after the fact.
On topic though, it truly depends on what you call casual photography. I go through phases of being a photography hobbist and I would say there is a noticeable quality improvement with a DSLR under certain conditions... If are willing to approach DSLR photography as if you are an artist, the quality shows. Meaning you take the time to setup your shots, experiment with exposure time, aperture settings, lighting, special affects, etc.. Essentially if you spend a whole shit load of time with it the quality shows. However, it gets to be burdensome and I quit for months at a time.
I agree with what you say. It really begins to become a burden so you burnout for a bit. I don't have the free time like I used to so when I say casual photography, I prefer something that that has higher than average quality, great in low light conditions, and won't feel like I'm carrying a tortoise around my neck. I do like to experiment with different settings/effects but not to the extreme as my knowledge on some things are limited in the DSLR world so that's why I'm looking at an alternative to a DSLR. I had a chance to score a new Canon Rebel T2i for around $350 last week, but I thought about it too long and missed out on my chance. >8( I saw the lytros being demo'd on the first ep of On the Verge a few months ago. Very impressive for the size. Quick video for people to lazy to look it up.
Micro 4/3rds now have some really lovely optics and great sensors too. That said, your DSLRs will always be the cheaper option since the lenses are so damn cheap. I sold my Nikon D90 a year or so back because I wasn't using it. That is a big mistake since it took some truly stunning shots the lenses were so cheap. I was picking up prime lenses second hand.. However it wasn't a camera that you could pop in your bag and just take snaps with. So I am now leaning towards dipping my toes into this magical world of 4/3rds. Sony have gone all crazy and have full on APC sensors in their 4/3rd cameras but the others like Panasonic, Olympus and Fujifilm all have some unique offerings. I really like the look of the Panasonic GX1 and am considering picking it up later this month due to its relative cheapness. If I do like the format I might full hog and get get the top of the line olympus as it does look shockingly good. I love the construction. The main appeal to me is the portability, the secondary appeal is the quality of the lenses you can buy / rent. But be aware that the offerings on 4/3rds are far less than that of a DSLR especially Nikon with its frame motor, which will drive OLD AF-D lenses. That coupled with cheap forum sales you'll be sorted. Since you have a truck lugging a DSLR shouldn't be an issue for you. If you can get a nice Canon D-Rebel I can attest for their stunning image quality. Even now I look at those pictures and marvel at the crisp sharpness of that sensor. It beats the crap out of the sensor in the D90 in some aspects for sure.