Not sure if anyone's noticed but Xbox Live has had some really impressive one day only deals going on recently. I just got back from work and discovered Tekken Tag Tournament 2 for £11.99 and Max Payne 3 for an incredible £4.49! Thank you very much Microsoft.
It needs to happen. Console game prices are way too high. It's one of the main reasons I mostly game on PC. No way I'm paying $60 per game. And even after they've been out for years console games are often still $30.
Actually I don't think Steam was King of sales this year. Amazon, Gamefly, and Green Man Gaming probably topped Steam for best sales. So really Microsoft has a bit more competition than just Steam. I've been really impressed with Green Man Gaming. They launched in 2010 and since then have become a top game seller.
I got all of my launch games from gmg last year. all of my super discounted older games were from amazon and steam. valve definitely has some competition now.
It seems like most the digital games they sell can be activated on steam so that's another bonus for some people.