
Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by bfun, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. I decided to give safety razors a try so I got an Edwin Jagger De89lbl. So far it's giving me the closest shave I've ever had. There is also some blood. It's a skill though and I'm still learning.


    I also got this soap kit and badger hair brush.

  2. took me a couple months but now I don't get no blood. I just use regular shaving cream gel. if you don't buy from this place your spending too much. I do it cheap, about 50 cents per razor, 2 per month.
  4. Which blades do you use?
  5. these feather blades 5 bucks for 10 I'm sure you could use them for much longer if you sterilized them. I used to (and occasionally even now if I quit shaving for a bit) cut myself all the time... luckily when I started I wasn't working much :).

    I wouldn't DARE try using this on my balls... EVER and I don't suggest you to either... unless your into pain.
  6. I am convinced that those with fatial hair at early age had something weird going on with their diet lol. I didn't grow facial hair till I was 17, didn't shave till 18.
  7. It's in the jeans, man.
  8. I ordered some of those earlier today. I guess they are super ninja crazy sharp. I got some Derbys right now and I have to go against the grain with them. I hope the feathers will change that. I also got some Porazo shaving cream and some Gabels Bay Rum after shave.
  9. I tend to use an electric job these days as I am a lazy bastard. Saying that I have started to grow what I am going to call a winter beard to save money on the heating so haven't had a shave in a long while. Its coming along quite nicely!
  10. I switch off between electric and manual myself. Hey electric is practically free and maintenance free (though I need to replace the head...). But manual shaving usually took less time (though I could do an electric shave anywhere, in the shower, in the car- at a stop...- whatever) and (manual) gave me a closer shave with no razor burn... I just had to deal with a cut here and there :/

    @bfun yep those feathers are razor sharp. I had no idea there were other styles lol those feathers were all I ever used :) I probly should explore beyond my 'beginner' setup... but it works :/
  11. Can one of you ballsy overachievers give me an idea of how much better a shave you get with a safety razor versus a Fusion power?

    I find a 2-pass (with/against) attack with the Fusion power to give me the closest shave without accidentally cutting my jugular.
  12. I suppose it really depends on the type of beard you have. I shaved 16 hours ago with the safety razor and right now my beard is about what it would be if I had just shaved with a Mach3. In fairness I never tried to do multiple passes with the Mach3 but I have been doing multiple passes with safety razor. But I also don't think I could go against the grain with the Mach3 without killing myself. The safety razor goes against the grain pretty easy and that gives me a buttery smooth skin. I think these feather razors I'm getting should get even closer but I guess they are also riskier. I don't have any issues with my face but my neck always bleeds real bad. I'm hopping the skin will toughen up.
  13. shaving not for me i'm a beardguy.
  14. Personally, I don't trust a man without a beard. ;) Prepare to be amazed by manliness:





    Mines equally as monstrous and I've been growing it for 2~ years straight, though right out of high school I had beards of various sizes.
  15. I have very sensitive skin. I just use a mach 3 and try to use as few strokes as possible so I don't irritate the skin or cut myself. I've tried growing a beard, but I didn't really look good with one, and I have no idea how to trim a beard.
  16. I can't grow a beard. At the 4-5 day mark my face itches so I shave.
  17. I now have a full beard so haven't had a shave in months. I do trim it and don't let it get too long as I find it becomes irritating if I do.
  18. I just can't grow proper facial hair. It comes out all shit and wispy and takes ages to grow so I just shave like, once a week... or less.
  19. Bumfluff!
  20. I've stopped shaving - I bought a stubble trimmer and i'm all designer stubble now :) I got an iStubble for Christmas which lets me set how long i want's pretty cool. I still shave the edges to keep it tidy but otherwise I'm a constant 5'0'clock shadow.