The Steam Holiday Sale will be running from December 20 to January 5. Time to load up on cheap games. Deus Ex Human Revolution is currently $4.99. Anyone who hasn't played it should pick it up at that price. It's one of the best games of this generation.
There's really only 2 sales people look forward to throughout the year. The winter/holiday and summer sales. IMO, the thanksgiving one is always a drag since the holiday sale is only a month after it. The random ones (48hr madness and small holiday) usually aren't that great.
They have Farm Simulator 2013 for $15. It actually looks good if you're into that kind of thing. It's the same company that made Street Sweeper Simulator which believe it or not was a bit of a successes because of it's press coverage.
What a rip off, you can get those games for about £3 from a brick and mortar store over here. London underground simulator and street sweeper are the hottest
I got Hitman: Absolution. I've never played a Hitman game but hey, it's so damn new, looks good and only $29. Got Dishonored with the last sale.. although I've only played a few hours. I also have like 10+ other games I bought in sales last year I haven't even installed yet. Damn you steam! I wouldn't mind seeing FarCry3, even only 15% off or something. Yeah, it's new, but so is Hitman. I guess Ubisoft might not be so generous... the bastards.
Awwwh yeah! Train Simulator 2013 down from $54.99 to $13.79. I'd hoped that would turn up. Picked up the trains vs zombies 2 expansion pack as well. But now I feel bad that I missed Hitman: Absolution. Actually it's still only $37 but still. Xcom down to $33.49. Arma II is down to $17.99. It's worth getting for the Day Z mod...khaid. I'm going to think about that one.
I'm spending too much on this damn sale, so business as usual for me. I got Hitman Absolution, Dishonored, and the Darksiders franchise with all the DLC (~$13 total on that last deal).
bought the ME Pack (minus ME3) for 10 bucks I really wish EA would put ME3 on Steam already. And somebody port over Assassins Creed 1 huh?
greenmangaming decided to top Steam by 10 fold by having their own borderlands 2 24hr sale by discounting heavily and on top of that, another 30% off. borderlands 2 for $21 AND the season pass for $10.50
It's actually a one or the other thing. You can't use the voucher on both. I'm just going to get the game for $21 and see if it's any good.