The PVCF Emergency Broadcast Station

Discussion in 'Pipeline' started by Grim, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. On the off chance that this place blows up overnight we will need a way of communicating and at the moment it looks like twitter may be the best option.

    If you have an account already you don't mind people seeing or if you want to set up a fake account then I can put all if them in this first post so we can all follow each other #sexy

    I haven't come up with a name yet but when I do it will appear here! #DeepThought.
  2. i'm going to kill you and your hashtags #faggot
  3. I'm not joining twitter, and clearly we all have PCs, so Steam is fine. We already have a Steam group. Everyone here should join it, and that can be our fallback if the forum goes down. This is an especially good option because the Steam group has it's own forum, which we could use until we build a new site. Not only is twitter for fags, but you're limited to certain number of characters, which would suck if we have to use that for any significant length of time while building a new forum. In fact, many communities on Steam use these forums as their main forums. You also don't have to use your real name, which I know is an issue for some people.
  4. But if we did use twitter we'd just search on PVCF or something like that? I used it once but I really had no idea of what I was doing.
  5. No, if you we were on twitter, we'd have to have everyone's twitter username (like grim requested in the op) and we'd all have to "follow" each other. Requires a bit more work per person, whereas on steam, you just create account and join the pvc group.
  6. I've just joined twitter but I don't understand it. Monslymonsly is my name, as some weirdo had already taken monsly.
  7. Pop quiz, hotshot. This forum literally blows up into a billion pieces. All of the major social media sites are attacked by an anti-social virus. Steam is invaded by North Korea. What do you do? What do you do?
  8. I'd buy a shotgun and wait for the inevitable fall of civilisation. I'm sure the kids at my school wouldn't last a week without their social media. They'd be eating their shoes by the end of the first day at least.
  9. But you're in the UK. Would you be able to buy a shotgun?
  10. As long as I look like a backwards farmer - which I do - then I'm fine.
  11. WTF is going on now? I'm always out of the loop.
  12. The site was down overnight with a placeholder page from godaddy saying the account had been suspended. Now people are having a meltdown thinking the site is done for. Also, Ichi, the only person with full control over the server, hasn't logged in since some time last year.
  13. It didn't even occur to me that the site was down. For some reason I thought I was banned. Hah.
  14. Well just so everyone knows. The domain is paid up until 2015-ish. I also bought this slickdeal for dedicated VPS hosting late last year:

    So we have options if needed.
  15. Maybe we should just move the server to the server from your slickdeal at some point. $30/year isn't bad at all. Ichi having the site on his work server and disappearing for months at a time is worrying.
  16. Re: Re: The PVCF Emergency Broadcast Station

  17. I literally hate you.
  18. The only problem is I don't know what I'm doing. I bought it because I had some grand plan to use it as a workaround to my work proxy but never followed through. But for $30/year with your own IP address, I plan to keep it.