Twitter After Dark

Discussion in 'monkeyCage' started by supersonic, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. New PVCF exclusive web-series!
    Inaugural post starring GOAT playmate: Sara Jean Underwood

  2. I love the first comment on the Kim Kardashian nudes on the Paper site:

    Also, her waist is ridiculously photoshopped in that shot.

    Edit: Also I see you got the commander's den functioning like the old Recycle Bin, where it doesn't show up on the list of recent posts. Nice.
  3. Most of her twitter pictures are photoshopped too... it seems like an awful lot of work to take a pic on your phone, send it out for editing, get it back on your phone, just to do a mobile upload on twitter.

    @monkey It functions like the recycle bin also. Any deleted posts/threads get thrown in here, but I don't like the current functionality...