Here is my backlog of games. What should I play next? Driver San Francisco The Walking Dead Condemned Criminal Origins Dark Siders Fable III Hitman: Absolution The Last Remnant Red Faction: Armageddon Sleeping Dogs Titan Quest Viking: Battle for Asgard Orcs Must Die II
I've played the majority of those. Ones I would recommend first: Hitman Absolution, Walking Dead and Sleeping Dogs. Most of them are worth playing in that list, except for The Last Remnant, Red Faction and Battle for Asgard. Urgh.
Damn you. You stole my answers before I could say them. Walking Dead is divided into brief episodes, so I'd say try that one first. Sleeping Dogs is awesome, and it just got a boost from the latest Nvidia driver. I was enjoying Hitman, but I got distracted by other games and haven't got back to it. I am halfway through Tomb Raider, Hitman, and Dishonored. Too many great games to play I guess. I can't seem to keep up. And I don't want to think about how much time I'll put into Ni No Kuni.
No reviews are up for it yet, and they probably won't be for at least a week. The press gets access to Blizzard games at the same time as end users. I was hoping you'd get it and tell me how it is, as you're the only other PVC member I know of who's into strategy games. I'm on the fence about buying it. Usually Blizzard games are worth buying outright, but Diablo III was such a mess, it has me a bit wary.
I'm sure it will be good but I'm a little sour about how they are releasing the game in 3 parts. I might get it eventually if the price ever drops or I get really board.
Good choice. As AKS said, Walking Dead is divided into brief episodes, from what I remember, they're about 1-2 hours long, maybe less. Beneficial if your time is limited. I'll be surprised if you don't enjoy it. Very good series. Looking forward to series two of the game, apparently it's slated for fall this year.
I've heard nothing but good things about the walking dead game but I don't watch the show, does that matter?
I have posted a method for SGSSAA for The Walking Dead in the Fix Your Game thread I created. It made a big difference and looked very nice in that game.
Yea, you only run across some characters before the events in the TV show happens. It's totally disconnected from the TV show/graphic novel and is its own story.