Something I find very interesting is to see other members platform history list. So I shall start it off. (You can include handhelds too!) In order: 1) Atari 800 Unfortunately, I can't remember much from this platform. I'm not even sure if it was the 800, but I remember attaching the damn device to a tape recorder. I swear, it took like ten minutes to load a game of pacman! What is funny though, I found a cassette lying around in my house, and decide to play it on my deck. It had all these 'electronic modem' sounds.....did it belong to the Atari? 2) Atari ST Yeah yeah, you'll probably say the Amiga is better (and rightly it was), but the Atari ST still held its head high with a one button joystick! I swear I played Street Fighter 2 on this....yeah, don't ask me about that! 4) 1994 Typical PC (Pentium I). Yes, with this, it kickstarted all those shitty, ahem, i meant excellent FPS games like Doom and Duke Nukem. 5) 1999 Pentium III PC I was never in the luxury on owning a PSX. But in this huge time gap, I owned various gameboys (including the colour and the advance). But with the Pentium III, I had no reason to buy a PSX. I'm not to sure if this was the system that could emulate the PSX. Nevertheless, I played shitloads of games on this (including MGS, FFVIII and Resident Evil 1&2). 6) PS2 & Xbox The PS2 was my first real console. But it didn't last too long as I swapped it for an xbox 7) Pentium 4 3.06 Ghz PC. Yes, this was the noble machine to run Half Life 2. Had a Geforce 4 at the time. Still one amazing game! 8) Xbox 360 At this time, I also had a PSP and a DS. 9) Beast PC Well, it was a beast when I told people it has a Q6600 processor.....and I still have it. I will update it as soon as Intel release their next chipset after the 'i7' series. You should read the news about the 'prototype', even Valve tweeted on how amazing it is. 10) PS3 And that's about it! I'm actually glad to say that my parents (in the early days) didn't waste their money on dead platforms.
Pre 1991: Acorn Electron. You haven't live until you've played Repton, Repton 2, Repton 3 and Repton through Time. 1991-1996: Sega Megadrive and Sega Game Gear. I loved my GG, Tails Adventure anyone? 1996-2002: PlayStation. I remember playing Doom, Pandemonium and a game I couldn't fathom called Worms christmas 1996. I also discovered what a demo disc was and found "one of those new 3-d fighting games" called Tekken 2. 2002-2008: PS2 Nuff Said. (also had an Xbox for about a year) 2008-present: Xbox 360 and more recently PS3. I also got my first laptop in 2007 and have played some games like Oblivion, Fallout and Farcry but only if I couldn't get to my console.
In order: > Commodore 64 > Gameboy > Master System > NES >Megadrive > Snes > Nintendo 64 > Playstation > Playstation 2 > Dreamcast > Gameboy Advance > Gamecube > PC > Xbox > Xbox 360 > PSP > Nintendo Wii > Nintendo DS lite > Playstation 3 Been playing since the originals. Great gamer life I have had.
Commodore 64 SNES Pentium 1 PC, with some voodoo graphics PSX AMD 900Mhz PC PS2 From there on only gaming-pc's Most console games ive bin playing on emulators (C64, NES etc), am a true pc gamer, allways owned consoles, but never played much on them, although, the SNES i played alot (asmuch as C64 i think), but was a kid backthen. PS2 was one of the better consoles for me, only reason we got it was for SSX and the MGS series. But my littlebrother played alot PS2/console, since the pc was allways occupied by me Until he got a pc for himself the consoles have bin eating dust. My PSX and PS2 were modded, had loads of games on them, although not as many as on the pc. ON a side note, all my platforms still work like day one, except for the SNES cartridge problem but after dusting them off they usaully still boot. PS2's disc drive makes a grinding noise but have done that since 2000 and its still going strong.
Atari 2600 Atari 800 Genesis Saturn Nintendo 64 Dreamcast PS2 Gamecube Xbox Xbox 360 PS3 I did pick up a NES & a SNES in the past couple of years. But I never owned one during their heyday. And I never had a true gaming PC either. Sure, they could play games, but never at their max settings. And besides, I'm mostly a Mac user.
Gameboy Master System Megadrive/Genesis SNES PSX PS2 X 360 PS3 Got my first PC around a year after getting the PSX. Both Megadrive and SNES were short lived (bought them second hand late in the consoles lives).
I can't believe nobody has listed the good old Sinclair ZX Spectrum. I remember spending hours as a kid writing code in out of a book just to watch a dot cross the screen. It was great waiting ages and listening to the racket as the tape loaded up with the cycadelic lines on the screen.
Atari 2600 C64 Megadrive/genesis Snes Amiga NES Master System Gameboy Spectrum MegaCD PS1 Saturn N64 3DO Jaguar Gameboy Colour Dreamcast PS2 Xbox Gamecube GBA CD32 360 DS Wii PS3 iPhone Chronological order with some things missed. Had 3 PCs over that time (late 90s, 2004, 2008).
Mattel Aquarius Atari 800XL C64 Amiga 500 Snes Dreamcast PSX MegaDrive Another DC Xbox PS2 Saturn Gamecube N64 Still using them all exept the top 4 which are no longer in my possession plus the obligatory laptop and PC.
Acorn Electron Mega Drive Game Gear PlayStation PlayStation 2 Gamecube Xbox PlayStation 2 again Xbox 360 PS3
before I could call them mine: Radio Shack.... something Atari 2600 (? not sure which one, but it sure played ms pacman real good!!) Apple Mac NES Tandy TL2 w/ Windows 3.11, AMD 4x86DX2 Genesis and Game Gear Homemade Winchip 225mhz/ Win95 Than I bought my own crap Sort of mine sort of my brother's Playstation Various PCs I shall not cover again Dreamcast (199) Neo Geo Pocket Color (FAVORITE console EVER) Gamecube (bought for only 99 bucks just a few years into existence!) Xbox (bought on release... but brother had it for like 4 years :/) I never bought a PS2, but I ended up with one somehow... who hasn't lol I'd only pc gamed for a lot of this gen, that and borrowed my bro's 360 once in a while. But I plan to buy a 360/ Kinect, a PS3 and a Wii shortly after once I can find a deal for under 100 bucks...
Atari 2600 NES Master System Genesis 32X Sega CD Amiga and later miscellaneous PCs constructed with friends Gameboy SNES PS1 N64 PS2 Gamecube (Puncher's Chance Special Edition) PS3 Wii 360 PC 4850/GTX 460
Atari 2600 NES Sega Genesis Sega Game Gear Nintendo 64 Xbox Game Boy Advance SP Gamecube Nintendo DS iPhone 3GS PS3 Large gaps in time between consoles are filled with whatever PC I'm using at the moment. My personal PC renaissances where I was gaming exclusively on PC were 1994-1997, 2000-2003, 2006-2009. I have never noticed the pattern until this very moment as I type this, but its a "3years on PC -3years off PC" cycle. In '97, I bought an N64. In 2003, I bought my GBA and my Gamecube. In 2009, I bought a PS3 Slim. Looks like I'm due to come back to PC exclusively next year! And wouldn't you know it, that's likely when Diablo III comes out! Its like some strange celestial fate.
@Hawk I've noticed that PC gaming increases in popularity towards the end of a console generation's life cycle when the consoles start showing their age and can't keep up with the latest games.
No Wonderswan or Neo Geos?? You call yourself gamers! You're not a gamer nerd till you have a Neo Geo/ Turbo Graphics niche type system really!! I bet some of you haven't even imported games!! And you call yourself a gamer...
I've never imported a game though. But I did get a ROM of Mother 3 and patched it with the fan-made translation to English. That should count for something.