
Discussion in 'monkeyCage' started by bfun, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. Here we can post all our favorite Donald Trump stuff. I'll start with this nice and not Jared Fogle creepy family photo of Donald and his daughter. The vomiting parrots add a little extra class.


    “Every guy in the country wants to go out with my daughter.”
    “She does have a very nice figure,” Trump said. “I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”
    "she’s got the best body"
  2. This thread seems a bit late... Trump's Troll Train will come to an end next week.

    I for one have thoroughly enjoyed his blatant mockery of American politics, politicians, media, people... he trolled not one but two political dynasties!

  3. #3 cmdrmonkey, Jan 31, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2016
    His daughter is really hot though. I would just make sure to use some protection. That hair is probably genetic and not something that should be passed on to the next generation.

    I almost suspect he's some Democratic Party sleeper agent trying to make Republicans look blatantly fascist and racist. But it's far more likely he's just the complete asshole and troll that he seems to be.
  4. I know nothing about Trump or his daughter, I hope that's an old photo or Monkey has gone all paedophile on us as she is obviously about 12 in it.
  5. Yeah, she's like 34 now.

  6. #6 cmdrmonkey, Jan 31, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2016
    Being attracted to a woman two years older than I am = pedophile? Does not compute.



  7. LOL!

    Trump took a sizable win in New Hampshire. United States of Trump is officially a go!
    Also, Bernie Sanders CLOBBERED Hilary Clinton.
  8. This whole Trump thing has me stumped. The media seems to think he's a bastard. The world seems to think he's a bastard. Everyone I know seems to think he's a bastard. Who is voting for this guy? Is it possible the American people are actually trolling the troll?
  9. #11 cmdrmonkey, Feb 10, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2016
    I think he's pretty representative of what typical Republican voters want in a president. He's openly fascist, elitist, and racist and a complete asshole and troll, and they love that.

    That being said, I think the Republican party has been increasingly marginalized as they've become more extreme, and I don't think they can win the presidency. The old racist homophobic white guy vote doesn't mean as much as it once did. The voter base is much more diverse than that now.
  10. ^ I don't think that is true... the traditional republican would tow the company line with Bush or Cruz. Trump is like Agent Smith to the GOPs political machine. They'll cut a deal with Hilary to stop him!

    Trump voters fall into one of these two categories:

  11. #13 cmdrmonkey, Feb 10, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2016
    I think internet trolls who support Trump have given you a skewed perspective on the average Trump voter. Most of them are racist white trash from the South or elitest rich white people, ie typical Republican voters.
  12. LOL I see the fix is in on Hillary. Super-delegates rescue her from a 22 point loss to defacto winner.

  13. I watched about 15 minutes before I realized it wasn't that funny. It might have been better if they didn't use the 80s filter.
  14. Dude trolled the Vaticans chief executive charlatan and sidelined the Bush family in a week. If he can marginalize the Clinton family, PVC will feast on Trump steaks.

  15. Trump will sell anything. I particularly love his pyramid scheme that involves selling a scammy video phone door to door that's like a crappy really expensive knockoff of skype or facetime.

  16. #goatTROLL