360 Crysis 2 vs PS3 KillZone 3; a technical discussion.

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Armitage, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Killzone 3 is an exclusive, Crysis 2 is not. Games that are specially developed for one platform tend to look better. Maybe they should compare Killzone 3 to an 360 exclusive, maybe Reach?
  2. PS3 exclusives have been looking better than Xbox360 exclusives for awhile now.
  3. I think they did. I certainly did. GHAHAHA!
  4. I looked at the lens of truth thing a while back, pretty pointless, to be honest. Trolls will be trolls.
  5. Killzone 3 is probably the best looking console game I've played so far. I think Crysis 2 would be very competitive in most comparisons, but against Killzone 3 would be an exception. Killzone 3's graphics are a massive improvement over those of Killzone 2 to a degree I didn't expect. KZ2 looks blurry and dull by comparison. The audio is also superb. You can hear the distinct sounds of your footsteps on unique surfaces with incredible clarity, the audio mapping is terrific, and the gunfire sounds fantastic.

    That said, Crysis 2 looked really nice. The multiplayer beta was a lot of fun and ran pretty smoothly. I enjoyed the options the suit provided.

    I'm definitely buying both games.
  6. The main character's gimp suit in Crysis 2 is kinda offputting for me
  7. I believe it's called a nano-suit and it's some form of power armour.
  8. Is that so...
  9. Didn't Zed in Pulp Fiction have on of those?
  10. Crysis 2 (PC) is allready out on torrent, you can only run it in DX9/medium settings cause its BETA. Perhaps could be a good comparison for KZ3 since the console versions of Crysis 2 probally are lower then medium @ DX9.
  11. Crytek is quite pissed about it. I'm just going to wait for the final game. I like Crytek and want to support the series.
  12. A technical comparison to Reach?

  13. I love that pic. Funny.
  14. I'm calling it now. Crysis 2 is going to flop hard. Crytek seems to have focused all of their efforts on the consoles, but console gamers never played the first game and don't give a crap about this franchise. It's going to be Deus Ex 2 or FEAR 2 all over again. A generic, under the radar sequel that no one gives a shit about.
  15. Yea fully agree on that, the graphics are way below the first Crysis from 2007, the FOV is console, and the whole game is just.... console. THat means the game is limited to console standards, limited graphics, limited MP (no more vehicles :( ), limited gameplay.

    But so what, it sells anyway, and that does make a game.
  16. You seem to be confusing 'console standards' with mainstream appeal. If there was enough demand to justify the costs of the games you'd like then they would probably exist. If the market isn't there for the games you want then that's tough. Developers and publishers aren't charities.
  17. The original game sold 3 million copies, despite being primarily a single player game and despite having insane system requirements, so clearly there was a market.

    The problem is that Caveat Yerli is a notorious crybaby. 3 million copies apparently wasn't good enough. I'm going to laugh when Crysis 2 flops. Console gamers don't give a shit about Crysis, and he's alienated his PC fanbase by making it so crappy and consolized. The reaction to the leaked beta on PC has been pretty horrible. I guarantee to you it won't sell anything close to the original Crysis.
  18. But not enough of a market to justify doing the same type of release again. I think I remember someone at Crytek complaining about the levels of piracy it saw too so that won't have helped.

    There's plenty of games I'd like to see but the demand just isn't enough; nothing to do with consoles but just the fact that companies will tend to go for the mainstream market for games, especially larger budget stuff.
  19. Didn't hellripper say there were about 20 billion "gaming" PCs out there?
  20. Considering that statistic the average person owns approximately 3.333 gaming PCs. Some how I feel that statistic is inaccurate to some degree... And I should know, I do error calculation and statistical analysis in my course.