android ¹°°

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Grim, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. So I just ordered that 16GB Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 for $199 -$10 BB cash + Tax. I think total was $203. I can return it if I don't want it.

    So convince me I want this to replace my 2013 Nexus 7. My Nexus 7 has 32GB storage and I'm sure I could sell it for $150. The Tab Pro has 16GB but also a 64GB MicroSD slot for up to 64GB. How well do the Micro SD slots work? I'm assuming I'd keep pictures and video on that while Apps on the Internal storage.
  2. One of our Nexus 7s (2013) just got the update but got 5.0.1 which is the first I have heard of it. Other one still sees 4.4.4 as the newest and the Nexus 5 still says up to date on 5.0.0.
  3. My 7 is still on 4.4.4. I heard 5.0 caused some serious problems on the 7 so maybe they delayed the roll out until 5.0.1.

    My 5 is on 5.0 and I think it introduced some lag when switching applications.
  4. I think 5.0 has a memory leak on the N5, hopefully 5.01 will fix it
  5. Oddly the Nexus 7 has kept the black background when opening the apps button. I much prefer that to the white one the Nexus 5 now has.

    Otherwise it seems to be running OK. Has popped up a couple of times to moan that Google Play Services need updating but no update seems to be available. Hopefully Google deal with that soon. It just sits in Notifications so nothing intrusive. 5.0.1 said it dealt with WiFi and Battery problems when we saw the update info.

    Other Nexus 7 still says no but we got it 3 months after the first so probably has a later build number and will have to wait.
  6. It also does weird thing with the dialer now. When a call is in progress I'll move my finger to the intercom button but then the screen shuts off. I pull my finger away and the screen come back on. Move forward- off, move away - on, move forward - off, move away - on. Sooooo annoying.
  7. My phone has always done that, hold the phone upright and I think it behaves.

    I've always had it worst on Skype when talking to Chi and Monsly. They've often heard me swear at the phone for shutting off the screen when I want to Google something.
  8. sounds like the proximity sensor went nuts
  9. It's the camera or sensor. If I sneak my hand up from the bottom so the phone can't see me it doesn't happen. It also never happened on 4.4.4. I might switch back to Rocket dialer.

    I'm sure it's meant to prevent accidental hangs ups when the face or ear touches the phone.
  10. So what's the deal with these smart watches and why do I need one?
  11. They're cool and you don't. But they're cool.
  12. Both the Nexus 7s are now on 5.0.1

    I think the wife is getting annoyed with 5.0 now as her battery life is abysmal, 5.0.1 seems to be coming to the Nexus 5 last as no sign of it yet but 4,7,9 & 10 have images.
  13. My 5 is on 5.0 and I wish I could go back to 4.4.4.
  14. Are you having battery issues too?
  15. I can't say that I've noticed but I'm so inconsistent with my usage. It's the lag that bothers me. It's not happening all the time and I can't recreate the issue but some days it just takes several seconds to switch or open apps.
  16. She is a heavy user and is now charging it two or three times a day.

    We are going to run a test, its now fully charged at 21:27, will see what the battery level is in the morning with no use. I imagine it won't do too badly but if anything below 70% I would be worried.
  17. Well with no use at all it dropped 13% in 10 hours which is probably a little high.
  18. That doesn't sound too bad to me but my 4S is getting a bit crap for battery now.
  19. Install better battery stats and check if there's a rogue app keeping the phone awake.
  20. it's actually horrible. sounds like something is keeping his tablet awake. a tablet with no use at all should last like a week before you need to charge it.