God fucking damnit. I did a factory reset... but my contacts won't sync. Logged into Gmail/Contacts on the PC and it looks like they are missing. The restore feature doesn't even seem to have them... Gotta fish out an old SIM card backup.
did you some how turn account syncing off? there were even counter measures in place so that wouldn't happen but you may have never activated that either. Samsung devices allow you to do syncing to their servers along with google so it sounds like you had both off.
I didn't use a Samsung account, but my Google account was setup correctly with device backup. I swap phones every 6-8 months and use this a lot with no issues. Not sure wth went wrong.... I have exactly 1 contact with a phone number now. Some dude I've never met from North Carolina with a Psy avatar.
sounds like a cool guy. samsung pay is launching on sept 28th. beta signups are starting now. http://www.samsung.com/pay
Unfortunately, most of my credit cards already switched to EMV chip. This would've been cool a few years ago.... Is that number in your G+ profile? I see it in Contacts, but it still doesn't import a single user to the phone. I think I committed some colossal fuck up trying to speed through a factory restore.
it could still be of some use for you possibly. it adds a layer of protection with the fingerprint authentication. all of my cards emv too but this seems to be another level of convenience as I'm always bored on my phone while waiting in line. and yeah that number is in my plus profile. may explain why you have a super special contact there
Don't get me wrong, as a consumer I would love this. I was just under the impression MST is incompatible with EMV, which is going to be the required standard by 2017. I'm already pretty spoiled with Samsung's mobeam... I keep a widget full of loyalty and gift cards that scan without a hitch. iPhone/HTC can't scan at the register and need the remote gun, ain't nobody got time for that.
I swapped out to an old iPhone5 while I try to recover contacts off my Note 4. iOS 8.4 on this 2012 device runs smoother than TouchWiz on a Quad-core w/ 3GB ram.... of course the entire screen is the size of a preview window on the Note.
you should try a nexus device with stock android. touchwiz basically a feature full os that really needs some optimization. once android hits the hands of oems and carriers, it's game over.
I usually don't keep any sort of loyalty to OEM's (or OS for that matter) and switch around on whim. But historically cyanogenmod + Galaxy S/Note has been the winning combo for me. Unfortunately, there has been no stable CM12 for Note 4 after close to year... not sure if Knox squashed this In other news, I was able to recover a 2012 nandroid backup with my contacts! Fuck anybody I met in the last 3 years.
@khaid Thinking about trading up from the Note 4. How are you finding the Note5 battery life... the reviews on battery seem to be all over the place. Also, any reason you picked the Note5 over the Edge plus? I couldn't take my eyes off that thing at the Sasmung booth. Do you make use of the Note stylus?
I had the note edge before this so the battery size is the same for me at 3000mah. the battery life is better on the note 5 (noticeably) due to the exynos soc and new super amoled display. I chose the note 5 due to having a note edge before this. the edge screen causes more issues than gains. for example, if you're doing something full screen, you can normally swipe down from the top to show the notification bar. the edge screen restricts from doing that since it'll just see it as a swipe on the edge screen. the most i used the edge screen for was for music controls from poweramp. that was pretty awesome. I use the stylus for more practical uses so I got the note instead. also the s6 edge plus is more expensive (like the note edge was) so that may factor into your decision too.
google made some weird decisions this year. I don't even know where they pixel-c has a place in the market
I've already skipped a year of Nexus phones. I thought this year would be it. I'll have to check the status of magnetic USB c car docks
Google obviously want to keep costs down so that they can offer a high end phone without the high end price, maybe Wireless charging wasn't seen a necessity. Saying that, we all know Apple, Samsung etc all overcharge for the devices anyway.