apple ∞ loop

Discussion in 'Technology' started by alterego, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Time Machine is really easy to use, and external backup disks are dirt cheap these days. You can get portables with 4 TB for $130.
  2. Yeah but you dont spend $3000 on a laptop and not be able to recover the data easily should it fail. Even you must see this is a bad idea, and not just for Apple, for any company to implement.

    Louis just tested a 3rd party USB C adapter with video capture on one and it ran at USB 2 speed so that is another down. The official adapter worked fine.

    I like the touchbar but wouldn't spend the money on this device purely because of the soldered storage.
  3. #263 cmdrmonkey, Nov 25, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2016
    lol @ the soldered SSD

    My Thinkpad X1 Carbon came with a Samsung PM851, which is essentially an m.2 interface version of the 840 EVO. It has the performance degradation bug, except Samsung never updated the firmware on the PM851 the way they did with the SATA 840 EVO. And even on the 840 EVO, the issue was never totally fixed. Didn't end up being a big deal because I later wanted a larger SSD anyway, so I just swapped it out with a 500GB m.2 850 EVO. If that defective PM851 had been soldered, I would have been fucked. May as well have just tossed a $2000+ laptop over a $150 part.

    Soldered ram is bad, but modern ram has pretty low failure rates, and the average user will probably never need more than 8GB, so I can kind of live with it. Soldered storage is totally fucked up though. That EVO performance degradation issue is but one of many examples of why it's a terrible idea. So much can and does go wrong with both mech HDDs and SSDs. It's probably the most common thing to fail in a PC. The glued battery is pretty fucked up too. Laptop batteries are consumable/disposable items that only last about 2 years in my experience. After that they don't hold much of a charge and need to be replaced.

    If Apple designed cars, they'd probably make it impossible to change the oil, tires, or brakes so you have to throw the car away after a few thousand miles. And alterego would be on here telling us about how it's actually a great thing that cars are now throw away items.

    Oh and Apple didn't invent the touchbar. They ripped it off from IBM and Lenovo. The X1 Carbon had this same technology three years ago. I'm sure alterego will chime in to tell us that while it's bad when other companies rip off Apple, it's totally fine when Apple rips off other companies. Because...reasons.

  4. Similarities? Yes. The same technology? No. The Touchbar isn't limited to representing keys, and it also isn't limited to a predetermined number of functions/modes by the manufacturer like the Lenovo (Home, Web Browser, Web Conference, Function).
  5. I done goofed...

    My mom wanted an iCloud email. I didn't read up on anything and made her a new iCloud account only to find it's not easy to transfer all your stuff over. Apparently, I should've just created a new iCloud email from her Hotmail Apple account, but I've already registered the email she would've used.

    Is there a easy way to transfer pictures and messages? I suppose I could rebuy some of the paid apps.
  6. The wife told me that her 6 Plus screen seemed less responsive lately. I told her about the touch disease and now she's looking at new phones. I can't really sell it if there is something wrong and I don't want to pay the $150 for a replacement that probably has the same issue. Are there any good trade-in deals going on?
  7. You need to see the gray bars on the screen in order for it to be 'Touch Disease'.
  8. @bfun bestbuy is likely to give you the highest trade-in value, with the least scrutiny. Carrier will give you best deal for trade-in to lease conversion.
  9. @alterego the airpods were available to order earlier today. people who got their order in say they got a dec 21 ship date. now it's showing 4 weeks.
  10. Are there even any companies that offer service like this outside of a warranty period for accessories? They even service you if it was your own fault and lose one.
  11. I snoozed and I loozed. Never got an order in. I'll probably place one after Xmas.
  12. @alterego turns out you were right. I really thought they would miss on my anecdotal evidence of poor iPhone sales/enthusiasm. But aapl crushed it. I didn't have the balls to directly short the stock. But I am the proud owner of worthless put options! Should've known better, betting against apple never ever works out.
  13. Yeah, Cook is no-nonsense when it comes to commenting on sales or demand. Not something they b.s. about. I actually saw a headline online today to the effect of "It's time to admit that the Apple Watch is a success" as well.
  14. What's a good email client to consolidate all my junk mail / promo accounts?

    I like to use the main email apps for my main accounts on those services. Looking for something like K9 or Touchdown for iOS. My stupid work blocked webmail and I'm sick of manually logging in on mobile safari.
  15. I use the Gmail app for all of my accounts including work MS exchange.

    You could use Outlook mobile or i looked on Play Store for thunderbird and although it didn't come up something called Blue Mail seemed popular.
    • like like x 1
  16. So I'm seeing some battery degradation on my iPhone. Apples says 80% capacity after 500 charge cycles. Gonna ballpark that to about 500 days which seems about right.

    Can I check the charge cycles?
    Worth spending $79 to replace it?
    Can't it be done in a few minutes at an Apple Store? The website says you have to ship it.

    God, I miss subsidized phones:(
  17. My iPhone 6 battery life and performance are still awesome. My wife's 6 plus is another story. Her signal is always weaker than mine, battery life is well under 80%, and the touch disease is getting worse. She wants to move to Android but I'm reluctant to help her because I'm sure she'll hate it. I'm considered replacing her screen but screen and battery both wouldn't be worth it.
  18. I ran 2 apps that supposedly check. Phone tested 'very good' with only ~3% battery wear... I'm a few iOS versions and apps updates behind, but that shouldn't really matter as it was fine for months.

    I went from like 73 --> 11 yesterday in ~6 hours using:

    Reddit - 53 minutes
    Snapchat - 50 mins (24m background)
    Waze - 26 min (45m background)
  19. My wife is looking to upgrade to the 7 plus or 8 plus. The 8 is about $140 more than the 7 and I'm not sure I see any features that justify the higher price.