Apple 2015: iOS9 + iPhone6s

Discussion in 'Technology' started by supersonic, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. LOL! They pulled the app that lets your find the chipset.
  2. They're denying it because they have access to a lot more data on the chips than a YouTube video.
  3. So you're saying real world tests which are done impartially are completely irrelevant compared to lab tests done by the manufacturer?

    That worked out well for VW didn't it...
  4. I remember you claiming that the bending issue was a real problem last year. It wasn't.
  5. The hell it wasn't...

    Nearly all the drop tests for iPhone6 cases resulted in bending & screen popping at the weak point (if the case failed).
  7. So... you missed the part in your own link where the screen popped off at the structural weak point?
  8. And you missed the part where the damage was a composite of six drops from "four feet" onto concrete.
  9. So? There are dozens of videos on YT to back up an obvious design flaw... not to mention the fix for the 6S.
  10. LOL...they specifically say that both of the 6 phones performed better than the 5s. Some "flaw".
  11. Some "rambling" from Anandtech regarding the TSMC/Samsung at the risk of becoming informed!

  12. The Galaxy Tab S 8.4 actually had two different chips. Most have a newer quad core but a few sold through Verizon came with an older dual core. The funny thing was that the older dual core was faster in benchmarks. Maybe the quad core had better battery life. I don't know and I never saw any battery comparisons because no one throws a riot unless it says Apple on it.
  13. You cherry pricked the bit of that article that suits you. They say that they haven't been able yo get a Samsung chip yet as they keep getting TSMC models and that they will continue testing.

    Fact is, this is still wide open and now Geek Bench even tells you which version of the chip you have so more people will be able to test.

    Like I said before, for casual use this isn't an issue. Play a lot of CPU intensive games on the Samsung and you may get less battery life on your £650 device as someone else because you lost a lottery.

    Lets see what happens when all the tests are in. If it keeps happening, all sources find that the Samsung runs out quicker than the TSMC then there is a problem. The more sources the better, got to be scientific.
  14. Flawed enough to fix the next iteration...
  15. That's the ending summary. You keep talking about "additional testing", when Anandtech is already telling you that Apple has the best data. That includes customer data that's automatically sent in by people that choose to share their performance data with Apple. How many thousands/millions of users do you think that is vs. a couple of phones on YouTube?
  16. Yeah, just like Intel fixed the "flaws" in Broadwell with Skylake.
  17. So now you're reduced to spamming the thread with irrelevant images?
  18. Seemed more productive than to go back and forth with a fanatic.
  19. You're abandoning your nonsense argument. That's productive.