There's no way it's that bad. Most critics have admitted that Affleck's portrayal of Batman is actually good, and that the screenplay (written by one of the same guys that did the Nolan Batman films) is nothing to complain about. I'm not a huge fan of Zack Snyder, but I really doubt it's that far off the rails. It does sound long and complicated for a superhero flick, but at the same time it's supposed to be launching the DC Universe, which makes those aspects seem a bit unavoidable. I've also seen a very positive analysis of the controversial "dream sequence" in regards to what it appears to be setting up for future films...
Man of Steel was garbage. They rebooted Superman by ripping off Nolans Batman. But Superman should be every bit the cheesy happy go lucky character of the cartoons and previous moves. The whole brooding anti-hero brings 0 contrast between title characters in a BvS match-up.
They didn't rip off anything. Nolan himself produced Man of Steel. It feels like a Nolan movie because it is a Nolan movie. The Christopher Reeve Superman movies are cheesy and badly dated. I didn't even like them all that much as a kid in the 80's. Something similar wouldn't work today, case in point: Superman Returns. Superman Goes to the Hospital and Has Baby Mama Drama (aka Superman Returns) is probably the gayest superhero movie ever and totally failed to reboot the series. Man of Steel shits all over that crappy movie. At least Man of Steel has great action scenes, with Superman and Zod destroying half the planet. That movie was two and a half hours of nothing. I think Superman moves a big rock at the end or something. I can hardly remember because I was half asleep. Most of the movie was about Superman fighting with his girlfriend about custody or their son and going to the hospital.
Lol I think I erased that one from my memory. Still doesn't make MoS any less shit. Maybe not as liquidy. BvS did $430M. Thats a slight underperformance and puts a lot of pressure on Civil War.
I was so angry I won't ever forget Superman Returns. Everyone was yelling at the screen and angry at the end. The guy sitting next to me in the theater yelled out "that was the gayest shit ever!" Total waste of $30. My wife didn't even like it because she thought the guy playing Superman looked gay. She likes the new guy though. She's liked him ever since she first saw him on The Tudors. The only good thing about Superman Returns was Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor, but he was given so little to work with it was pretty pointless. He was as wasted in that role as Christoph Waltz was in the latest Bond movie.
Yep... a waste of Kevin Spacey who could've been a great Lex Luthor. I also thought Superman and Lois was miscast. But nothing compares to the absolute piece of shit story they decided to go with. Now that these terrible memories have begun to flood in, I kinda understand the need for a superhard reboot like Man of Steel.
Nolan also produced Dawn of Justice. You might actually like the movie since you liked Man of Steel. Both Zack Snyder and Nolan were involved in both projects. And the plot of Dawn of Justice directly follows up the stuff that happens in Man of Steel. It's basically a sequel to Man of Steel. critic reviews and user reviews are not matching at all now. imdb score is at 7.5 from over a 100k users and metacritic user reviews is at 7.3
Well since that Maddox video comes with serious spoilers.. I'll give my take. - Felt like a Batman movie with Superman cameo, should be the other way around. - Tried to cover too much ground in one movie. - Wasted precious time on mundane side plots - Turned a major plot into a side plot Spoiler Superman v Doomsday is a major rivalry that lasts all of 10 minute. Basically a side story that didn't get the attention it deserved. I've never seen a comic rivalry butchered this bad since Spiderman vs Venom in S3 It's not bad as mindless entertainment goes. It's probably good for Batman fans, but sucks for Superman fans, if that makes any sense. They are attempting to build Justice League quickly whereas Marvel spread it out slowly over time. 6/10
Spoiler I think Zack Snyder didn't really care to build up that plot line. The whole origin of Doomsday in this movie wasn't even close to how it was originally in the comics. Snyder just wanted to accelerate the plotline of the death of Superman
Spoiler I actually forgot who Doomsday was until Superman bit it. It made me a nostalgic because I had that series. If I remember right, he came back as like 5 different Super-Characters. Don't remember what the final resolution was or Doomsdays original intro. I do know they should've spent a good movie on it, instead of a throwaway plot device.
Well, the critics definitely got the "it could sink the DC Universe" thing wrong...
Critic reviews often correlate poorly with the financial success or failure of films. Also, critics are very often bad at predicting what the vast majority of people will like or dislike. Critics loved Superman Returns and gave it a 76% on RT, and that was the worst superhero movie I've ever seen, and most people agree that it's one of the worst big budget superhero films in recent years. There seems to be a pretty big disconnect between the IMDB and RT scores on this one. I haven't seen it, but my guess would be that it's probably okay as a dumb popcorn flick, probably more like a 6 or 7/10 for most people rather than a 3/10 like the critics are saying.
Some of the Warner response is definitely damage control... BvS was tracking Jurassic World territory going into 2016 ($500M+). It was only revised down to $350M after all the negative press. So them blowing away newly tapered expectations is not exactly genuine as the bar was reset to the floor. It had $100M in pre-bookings alone. It under performed original expectations by quite a bit and still not a shoo-in for $1b. That said anybody that thought this was going to be a massive flop and kill off the DC Universe is an idiot. The reason studios love franchise pics is you can see the audience erosion and save on costly flops. Divergent 3 + 4 being a prime example.
I saw this tonight. I thought it was better than MoS and wasn't as bad as I feared. Batman was decent; Lex was an absolute mess and the Superman angle was pretty undercooked.
Finally saw it and it was no where near as bad as some said. I thought it was better than The Winter Soldier which got pretty good reviews. I've watched most the DC animated films so maybe the weirdness of this movie seemed more normal to me. 7/10.