Battlefield 3

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by HellRipper, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Well, PC exclusives anyway, everythings consolized nowadays.
  2. The console versions of BF3 are mainly limited by their hardware, the CPU's/GPU's and memory are the biggest problems, according to DICE, the developer of BF1942, BF2, Vietnam, BC2, etc.


    What am missing out is the fact that the console versions are mainly being used by their controllers, which seems very impossible in a BF2-style game. Imagin the commander and TV Guided missiles.

    And perhaps the sound system, BF2 had support for XFi/64MB Xram, will we miss this out now cause of console limitations or do we get this on the PC again.
    I really liked the Ultra High setting in the audio tab. Made a big difference, the afterburners sounded more real and deep.

    To add, the PC version is the lead version.
  3. So 24 player for the consoles and 64 for the PC. Ouch. We'll see if those numbers stick.
  4. They do, there was an official interview with the lead designer.
    Download the scans for the info

    In those scans, you can read DICE saying that the PC platform is mainly held back by the 5 year old hardware from the consoles, and that DICE will do different this time around.
    Finally justtice :D

  5. It just NEEDS to be in this topic!
  6. I cant believe no one has mentioned the gameplay teaser. By all accounts, the snippets of footage in here are IN-GAME. If that is the case, this is easily the greatest looking videogame ever made....

  8. on that note, is there anything good on the pc other than fps'?
    uh no. you said it yourself pc games are gimped. thus consoles would have them the same, in fact most times they are better because of the control schemes.

    Perhaps if all you ever play is fps' you might be able to say this... but even than it's not that far of a discrepency, you said it yourself pc games are gimped nowadays- your just shoveling all the blame you can on the consoles.
  9. Warned ya...
  10. In case of multiplatform games, the pc version tend to be the best version regarding graphics, online, etc.
    Controls are better on the pc, since you have the kb/mouse, but you can hook up a PS3 or 360 controller to your pc and play the games with those controllers, if anyone would want that.

    PC games are gimped, so are the console games. Fact is that console games have always been gimped, pc games not. Cmdrmonkey told somewhere on this forum that pc gaming reached perfection but got hijacked by console cashing machines.

    Anyhow, except for the exclusives (which arent so intresting for developers), theres nothing much more to the consoles. Pc versions are better in most cases, and pc exclusives show a real benifit and graphical leap over console exclusives. Crysis from 2007 still havent been beaten.

  11. PC version of BF3. Looks promising, graphics/sound wise. Im eager about the multiplayer, i really hope its atleast BF2-level.
  12. Are they going to have a widescreen setting this time?
  13. BF2 has widescreen since patch 1.50.
    When it didnt, you could just add a command to the .exe and you had widescreen.
  14. That command was getto widescreen not real wide screen. Never tried the patch.
  15. ghetto widescreen = stretchy?

    i hate that pseudo stuff too
  16. BF2 now supports it natively with the lastest patch, no stretching.
  17. Battlefield 3 looks amazing to me. Right now I view BF3 as the best reason to build a new gaming rig, ahead of Crysis 2 or RAGE. It looks fantastic and should be a blast to play.

    I'm strongly considering upgrading to a i7-2600K and GTX 580 setup by the end of this year.
  18. As impressive as the Sandy Bridge chips are, if you plan to wait until closer to the end of the year, you'll probably be better off going with X68 and one of the socket 2011 based chips. We're probably going to see mainstream 6 and 8 core chips from intel by the end of the year.
  19. Yeah, I'm not dead set on Sandy Bridge. It's just what I'd get at the moment assuming it isn't going to melt down any other components. If something better is out by the end of the year, I'd get that instead. Same goes for some new graphics card that improves upon (more power or lower $$$) the GTX 580.
  20. You should consider the newest dual gpu options....