I have a dilemma. Battlefield 3 seems too difficult. Yes, I agree it's reached new heights. But that kinda feel to the game (medpacks etc.) kinda puts me off. I'm more of a COD player, but I feel that activision are ripping customers since there is hardly any change to the game compared to part 2 (since most of the developers got canned from the project). I really want a new multi-player fps game for my PC....But I really don't know what to choose.
I've heard Battlefield is riddled with bugs and problems, is this true? If it is that's gonna deal a huge blow to their sales I would imagine, especially if MW3 is fine.
Sounds like a big "if." Black Ops was a technical mess on PC and especially PS3. I've always found technical issues with CoD games, and I am less confident in the CoD teams now considering IW has been gutted. The key tech issue with BF3 on PC I've had seems to be related to drivers/ cards. It has been crash prone when fiddling with AA settings. I also have a Crossfire setup, which may be the source of some crashes. I really haven't had other major issues outside of drivers/ compatibility with my AMD cards.
I haven't experienced and game play problems. I did spawn in a floor once but that fixed itself. Origin is alright. It's about the same as any other server explorer. I did have a hell of a time getting the game installed. It took me several hours and a couple of retries.
Med packs, ammo drops, revives, are all easier in BF3 than BF2. BF3 really goes out of it's way to give points for support. I have earned several thousand points in a round just by dropping med packs and ammo. In one round I got 12,000 points from flag captures with only 8 kills. Of course that was on a server with only 10 players and the round was over an hour.
Modern warfare 3 then lol. I blame my shitty skills on hardcore FPS games. (still hate activision though for many things)
AMD's 11.11/ CAP update is pretty amazing. I can crank everything up to Ultra level and still get very smooth frame rate. There's just a bit of stutter here and there. It's the MSAA that is the frame killer. I used Catalyst's forced MLAA instead, which looks great without much of a hit on performance. It's a massive improvement for Crossfire. In a single update, it went from approaching 99% for both cards and some very framey moments to around 45% use of each cards with MLAA and Ultra settings with a very smooth frame rate. The only thing that dented my frame rate in the Comrades level was the in-game MSAA, which I shut off in favor of forced MLAA from CCC.
I haven't for awhile, but I plan to buy a decent mic and get back into it a bit in the near future. I've bought a couple of mics in the past and returned them both because they sounded like garbage. The only mic I've used recently that I've been satisfied with (in terms of sound quality; people have told me they could tell when I opened my fridge and poured a glass of milk) is the official PS3 mic, although it will start to become uncomfortable if you wear it for an extended period of time.
I still have it loaded but haven't played in a while. It's a decent game but it still feels a lot like COD.
Edit: had to install some server browser plugin thing to actually be able to see the servers. The server browser seems pretty broken though. Quick match seems to be the only easy way to get into a game. The graphics are some of the best I've seen other than Crysis. AKS is right about screenshots not really doing it justice. It's looks pretty damn amazing in motion. And it's not a system hog either. I'm running it on high at 1680x1050, and it's totally smooth. Seems much better optimized than BC2, although upgrading to a quad core and an SSD probably helped in my case. The gameplay feels less like BC2 though and more like something from the Call of Duty franchise. It seems to have more of a n00b friendly run and gun feel to it. It's fun, and the guns handle really well, but it doesn't seem to be sucking me in as much as BC2 did.
Ha. I loaded the game up before you edited to see the server situation. It was a little better at launch but still decent now. I also use the quick match because it's simple. Some of the maps are fun and some are annoying. Like with any online FPS your pretty screwed until you learn the maps.
I don't have to worry about optimization now that I have some monster cards, but I remember MSAA and HBAO being the graphics settings that were the most demanding, at least at the time BF3 came out. I turned those down and used SSAO and FXAA if I had problems with the frame rate. At max setting at 1080p, it tended to use between 1.3GB and 1.6GB of VRAM most of the time. Multiplayer maps tended to be more demanding, as some are open and fairly large.
Engineers seem way overpowered in this game. It used to be that engineers were worthless in anything but vehicle based combat because the carbines and SMGs flat out sucked. Now carbines and SMGs are some of the best guns in the game. They're totally devastating at close-medium range. Combine that with bazookas and the vehicle repair ability, and I'm almost not sure why you would play as anything else.
The medic and support have health and supply drops which can net you as many points as kills. If not for that the engineer might be the best class.
True, but if you're just out to kill as many enemies as possible, it's hard to beat the engineer. SMGs and carbines are great for run and gun combat, and the bazookas can take out enemies at long range or massed groups of enemies, not to mention vehicles. In BC2, I never really saw people using engineers in deathmatch, just on large maps with vehicles. Now it's probably the main class I see in deathmatch.
I play the medic most. I usually have twice as many "medic points" than kill points. It's nice to be able to revive players in squad based combat. Heck if you can get to a death/choke point on the map you can make a killing as a medic.
I love how people still won't share vehicles with you in this game, even though most of them are worthless death traps without a partner. Take tanks for instance. Without someone on the machine gun, you will get raped by infantry and helicopters. Yet every douche who grabs a tank seems to just drive off with it without a gunner.