I was going to mention the American version of biscuit, which I believe is commonly served with Gravy, (their gravy, not our delicious variety), and now I know is also served with Fried Chicken...
Jaffas are indeed awseome fresh from the fridge. I wouldn't say they're better that way but they're just as good as room temperature. I didn't bother reading the earlier posts so I'm going to mention Pink Wafers! Also those tim tam things look like penguins, which are not strictly biscuits as they're more chocolate bar than biscuit but hey.
So basically you Brits call your cookies biscuits? I haven't really been following this thread. So what would you call this? A cookie? So confusing. But it's not like British people know anything about food in the first place.
No a cookie is a cookie... A biscuit is a buscuit... Americans seem to group categorise everything such as calling any of these kinds of products cookies and labelling just about every type of sweet as candy, do you also consider chocolate to be candy?
That's just your confused American brain telling you that, its no wonder really when you consider schools refuse to teach evolution and you eat fast food all day.
Wow, way to resort to stereotypes about all Americans being dumb and fat. I learned evolution in high school biology and I eat fast food a few times a year if that. For the most part I don't touch that shit. I haven't eaten at a McDonalds in almost a decade.
Yeah, I was gonna say a mess lol. Trust us when we say that first thing you showed was a scone, traditionally eaten with jam and cream/butter during afternoon tea. Do people still have afternoon tea?