Black Mesa Launches

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by khaid, Sep 14, 2012.

  1. I'm going to surprise you, are you ready? Here we go.

    I did play Half Life back in 1998. I was 13 and my mum had just bought our first home pc, with a whole 12gb of hdd space! I played the game using a keyboard and mouse (and headphones) and thoroughly enjoyed it. I even had a couple of mods. One was a zombie campaign thing, it was cool. I fully appreciate what that game did for the genre and understand that the physics were unparalleled for the time. This is why I'd like to give this new updated version a try, but my laptop can barely run oblivion and fallout 3 on medium ish settings. Playing this on my laptop would be doing it a disservice.

    I also played Aliens vs Predator and Worms Armageddon back around 1998 too. They were my first online gaming experiences, using a dial up connection. Good times.
  2. Re: Re: Black Mesa Launches

    You don't need to buy anything. You can download the sdk for free on steam. Just go onto tools and download it

    @arma the source engine is very good on low spec machines and black mesa isn't particularly fancy, graphically

    I still have the ps2 version of half life from when a friend left it. Co-op was pretty fun
  3. Holy shit. Arma is legit.. he even remembers the They Hunger total conversion.
  4. I remember getting an early version of They Hunger on a pc mag. Just remember a car driving around. Nothing else.
  5. I'm waiting for the mod of ithis modded mod that will make this UBULAR and MODULAR!
  6. Black Mesa is quite good. System Shock 2 and the original Deus Ex need this treatment.
  7. I know I was like 'who the hell is this??' his mom is quickly becoming something of legend btw :-D

    Deus Ex is AWESOME in all of it's blocky goodness lol
  8. Played for about 2 hours last night. It still has a very old school FPS feel that took my back to the DOOM clones of the days of yore. The graphics are decent with good textures on top of old art which kind of looks odd sometimes.
  9. As much as I love Half-life, I had forgotten how obnoxious some of the bits of level design and jumping puzzles can be, especially when you get to the Xen dimension at the end. The game basically turns into first person Super Mario with a hazard suit. I guess you start to view things through rose tinted nostalgia glasses after awhile.

    Still an awesome game though. The stuff with Freeman fighting the Marines and black ops is as fun as it ever was. And I can forgive the annoying jumping puzzles because Half-life was experimental in nature, and it gets so many other things right that shooters up until that point had gotten wrong.
  10. I told you!
  11. @chi

    It's been 14 years since I played the game. You forget a lot of things in that time, and nostalgia does screwy things with your memory.

    Memories of constantly quick saving and reloading during the annoying jumping puzzles suddenly came flooding back to me when I reached those parts.

    Also, I do love the Marine cleanup crew in this game. They're just such great caricatures of the US military, cartoonishly evil and inept basically.
  12. I never forget
  13. The AI of the marines is annoying but I guess it was pretty good back in the day.
  14. I remember it being some of the best AI around when the game came out.
  15. I know I'm a little late to the party, but I am playing through Black Mesa right now and its fantastic. The graphics are obviously dated, but it still looks really good considering. They were really smart with the textures. The only negative is I am really frustrated with the jumping puzzles, but that says more about me than the game.
  16. I rage quit games and never come back because of jump puzzles. No regrets brah.
  17. @hawk4x4

    It's not you. The jumping puzzles in the Xen sections towards the end are annoying as crap. It's forgivable because the rest of the game is so damn good.