It was moved from another thread, so I sound like an idiot because I say Monkeys favourite film is boring.
Some of us have attention spans longer than five seconds and don't need to see constant Baysplosions to be entertained.
The Big Lebowski is excellent. I guess a lot of people may not like that sort of indirect humour of rediculous situations and how odd characters react to them. I'm hopeful that something good can come of a Blade Runner reboot, but I definitely won't be counting on it based on the reboot/remake track record. Same goes for Alien, but I am a little more hopeful with that one which most likely isn't a great idea on my part.
That's the same director that did Sicario, Arrival, and Prisoners... running the gamut from amazing to shitty. He's very good at suspense thrillers, although some erroneously accuse him of being boring. Hopefully, the story writing is up to par unlike some of his other flicks.
what?! he would be the only reason why i'd watch this. i've watched his movies back to polytechnique. he's does quite amazing work.
I think he's a great director. I actually blame the writers. I just didn't like Prisoner, maybe it was just my mood at the time. Arrival was good, but could've used an extra 30 minutes to expand some concepts. It had a Nolan-esq build up but the payoff wasn't as gratifying. Sicario was spot on.
I think you have to be in the mood to watch something really bleak with Prisoners. I thought it felt similar to Silence of the Lambs and Seven. It's one of the better "feel bad" movies I've seen in recent years.
98% on Rottentomatoes out of 40 reviews. I'm trying to avoid reading reviews because I don't want the movie spoiled for me. But this looks like a successful franchise reboot along the lines of Mad Max Fury Road.
You assholes couldn't get off your butts and go see this movie, so it flopped. Thanks guys. Looks like it's more kiddy PG-13 superhero garbage for us. Hollywood gives us the first good hard-R action/sci-fi movie since Mad Max Fury Road, and you can't be bothered to see it.
I'm going to see it but I can understand why it flopped. I asked people if they were going to see it and they had no idea what it was about. The trailers didn't give any hints about what to expect and no one under 40 knows about the original.
Eh, I bet it still does really well when all said and done. It hasn't opened in China yet. North America matters less and less in overall box office gross these days. I think the US audience is moving towards streaming delivery at home.