Hard to say. This is a true sequel for the first game, meaning, the story directly ties into the first one. There's alot of talk of what happened in the first game up to the events in part two. The four characters of the first game play a big role in the second game. Where this game really advances from the first is the different amount of environments that you're in and also the different types of enemies. The first game was alot of wastelands and skags/bandits for quite a long time. This made playing in single player quite mind numbing for a lot of people. So single player is quite fun in this game, as well as having a much better story and music immersion. Weapon design is pretty interesting too. UI is really clunky. I'd say it's worth the money, but I'm a very big fan of the first game and I play this game 99% in coop. Whenever you see this season pass non-sense for games, it's regarding DLC. So if you're not a fan of DLC, don't even bother with it. If you are interested, gearbox is planning 4 dlc releases up to next summer. They're planning $10 per. So with the $30 season pass, you'll get all for 4 for the price of three. Since we shop on steam, we can play the patience game and probably get them later in the year at 50% off each.
co-op play? and to a lesser extent tons and tons of weapon mods. I don't know, I hadn't played either one lol but that's the story. I might compare it to other co-op games like L4D or Dead Island only with a Fallout type landscape and no zombies.
So this is an open world game basically that also has co-op? How does that work exactly? Do you play the co-op separately from the single player, or do you use the same character and is the world the same in both? I'm confused. And is this worth it if I'm not sure I'll have someone to do co-op with? Pdraggy is saying it's like L4D, and L4D is dreadful if you try to solo it. You absolutely have to do co-op. If it's mandatory co-op I think I'll pass because I'm not sure I'll have anyone to play with.
Co-op is drop in, drop out. If you have it allowed, friends can hop into your game if you're online and vice versa. On consoles you can also have two player split screen and play online at the same time. If you're joining someone's game, you can start a new character or load an existing one. No level limits so you can be any level and take part in any of their missions. If you're not yet at that point in the game, the missions completed will be checked off in your own game once you get to them. I'm currently playing one character for single player/split screen and one for when I'm playing with grim and monsly.
I'm trying to think of a game with a similar structure that you may played in the past but I'm drawing blanks right now. It's a simple layout though so here goes. Game is open world yes. You can go explore different areas without following the main quest, but you'll be limited to where you can go since level difference in mobs can tear you apart. You can also loot farm different areas if you choose to. Then you can go through some sidequests and main quests to progress. The game is the same through single player and coop (so same world). The only difference coop will bring you is greater loot since the game scales to the amount of players in the game by difficulty. The more players, the tougher the enemies get, the greater the loot. You'll use the same character so you don't start over in character progression. To a more detailed version of this answer, you can actually choose which character you want to play in the game you'll be playing in coop since you can create multiple characters. Character retains all loot and money when you take them into coop and single player. The player who is hosting the game will be the one who everyone's quest log will follow. So it's always recommended to join the player who is the furthest back in quests so everyone can eventually be at the same point. Since L4D was built straight up to be a multiplayer game, it's not good to compare it to Borderlands. Original Borderlands suffered greatly in single player due to lots of backtracking and same looking scenes and baddies over and over until the later half of the game. Borderlands 2 corrected a lot of this and you can see the difference right away right when the game starts. I'd say, for you, skip Borderlands and just read a plot rundown on any of the wiki's so you don't get all confused on the plot in Borderlands 2.
The commercials I've seen of the game have sort of Firefly/Serenity look and feel from what I can tell, or am I way off base?
The world shares some similarities to a Fallout/wasteland type of world, but Borderlands is considerably lighter in tone. Borderlands is much more action oriented; it plays like an open world FPS with RPG elements. It's hybrid of multiple genres, so it's not easy to compare it to other games. Were you considering upgrading your GPU to a GTX 660Ti? They are packaged with Borderlands 2 for free on newegg.
Eh, I'm not really sold. Seems more like a Steam Holiday sale purchase. I'm sure it's fun, but it doesn't sound like it's worth more than $10 to $20 to be honest. It's actually more pressing that I upgrade my Core 2 Duo to an i5 or i7. A GTX 660Ti would be wasted on my system right now. And at this point (late September) I might as well just wait for Black Friday/Cyber Monday and get a really good deal on a CPU/Mobo/RAM combo on Newegg. My monitor is only 1680x1050, and it's a pretty nice Samsung I have no intention of upgrading, so my GTX 460 is doing fine. I'll upgrade some time in the next year or so, but it's not really urgent.
Soloing in Borderlands was like watching paint dry, paint that beats you over the head with a boring hammer. The game was a waste of time and money for me. Fallout 3/NewVegas was much better.
Re: Re: Borderlands 2 that's actually a very good idea since the benchmarks for this game were showing its quite cpu intensive which was strange to me.
Yeah, it just sounds really repetitive. I'm sure it's fun with a couple of buddies, but I doubt I would play it in single player.
This made me sad. I didn't even stand a chance. I think the only way to do this is to prep in advance and have a person reading it off to you. I don't think it even took me 20sec to input the code after it was posted and it was used up already.
When I bought Borderlands I played it once and dismissed it as a really, really boring shooter. However a couple of months later one of my mates got it and we had a blast doing two player. Two more joined the fun and we spent months having HUGE fun playing that game. It cannot be denied that as a single player game it's rubbish but is a great multiplayer game, despite all the terrible lag making you have to lead your shots. That said I never had lag when I was hosting, but it would be nice for that not to be an issue in 2012 you know? We completed the game twice then just stopped playing all of a sudden, it had become samey. Since Borderlands 2 looks like pretty much more of the same but with new character I wouldn't bother with the original as Khaid said earlier but instead of going to a Wiki to catch up on the story I can fill you in right now. I felt the story was probably the weakest part of the game due to the fact that there didn't really seem to be one. The game is just pure awesomesauce when you're surrounded by pretty tough enemies and instead of all panicking and backpeddalling shooting like nutters you and your buddies actually seem to synchronise and instinctively make the most out of everyone's special abilities, such as dropping auto turrets/shields or going berserk into a crowd of enemies drawing their attention away from your comrades. Still, I'm not sure if we'll end up getting this one as it really does just look like more of the same and we got bored of doing the same stuff over and over eventually. One thing I wasn't prepared for was constantly finding new and better weapons was extremely addictive. Being the soldier class I favoured machine guns and loved the slow but powerful variants over the rapid fire but weak ones. It's just a shame that the siren's elemental sub machine guns were massively unbalanced. After only a couple of days I began to see my mate using the girl start using weapons whose damage per second totally dwarfed that of my heavy machine guns, and that wasn't right.
The siren is still the most badass in the game this time around too. I guess it's all to be expected given the lore behind the siren. But when you meet up with lilith in this game, you see her go buckwild with her skills. It's pretty awesome.
Haha, some snazzy easter eggs. There's a QR code on the pizza boxes and it comes up with a nice little quote.
You know how I like Minecraft, right? Well, I thought Borderlands 2 was missing something. so... Voila!