Borderlands 2

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Grim, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. Yep, that's the level I did bunk3r at.
  2. I think I'm on the last mission. level 32
  3. I can't think of any time between Demon's Souls and Dark Souls combined that have frustrated me as much as the final round for this Ore Chasm bullshit.
  4. Finally cleared Ore Chasm's final round. The weapon you get as a reward is pretty nice. I am not keen on doing that solo again, however.
  5. There is already a DLC pack for this game and apparently it adds about 8-10 hours to this already huge game.

    Didn't even realise until I saw a video for it on GT. Will probably want to download it before I finish the game so that I can play it before I get to NG+.
  6. The last bits of the game seemed easy compared to Ore Chasm. I breezed through the final boss because I was overleveled from my unpleasant battles in Ore Chasm.

    NG+ is interesting. I'm seeing new versions of creatures that didn't show up in the first playthrough. The difficulty has been boosted, which is fine by me (outside of that Ore Chasm hell).

    Maya is really dangerous. I have my Cataclysm tree finished and am into the Motion tree. I'll need the level cap to be raised just a bit to get her optioned out just the way I want. I won't be able to reach Sub-Sequence yet, but when I can max out Quicken and Sub-Sequence and combine that with the effects of Ruin, it's going to do some serious damage.
  7. Finished Ore Chasm with Chi and we only died once on the final mission. Not too terrible in 2 player, just hard to find ammo nearer the end.

    Probably easier on 2 player than 1.
  8. It's not much fun when you have a dozen surveyors flying around hitting you with shock blasts and missles and turrets popping up above you and spraying down fire while a Badass Constructor is dropping nukes on your head. It makes a difference if all the attention is constantly on a single person. I didn't die once during the final mission. It was very easy by comparison.
  9. Myself and Chi were a Gunzerker/Ninja team so I was able to regenerate health and ammo and Chi was able to hide and distract the enemy which worked out pretty well. I went in with a caustic gun as my main and a shock gun for when I gunzerkered (which was pretty much all the time due to the way I have picked my skills) so shields and armour went down nicely. I think Chi had a pretty good caustic sniper but I think getting enough ammo for it was tough due to the the small amount of sniper ammo you can carry even when you max out the upgrades.
  10. Not sure how close to the end I am yet. Currently level 32 and about to start Data Mining. Did all of the current side quests available so far.

    I'm pretty irritated that I haven't found anything to replace my blue level 16 sentry engineer class mod yet. The random loot generator hates me. I did get my two turret ability since I specced straight down the survival tree. Also rocking 5300hp. The turrets are pretty crazy if you stand in the back slagging everything.

    I'm thinking of going straight down the Guerilla tree after I finish the first playthrough for rockets, double guns, and slag rounds on the turret.
  11. You're pretty much at the end. After data mining is the last mission.

    I've just downloaded the first DLC pack, might give that ago before attempting TVHM again.
  12. My plan for Axton is to first reach Scorched Earth in the Guerrilla tree and then go all the way to then end of the Survival tree, which includes a shield for the turret (Phalanx Shield), tons of health and shield regeneration and capacity, and eventually double turrets (Gemini).

    I've nearly got my Maya character tricked out.

    LVL1: 5/5 Flicker, 4/5 Foresight
    LVL2: 5/5 Helios
    LVL3: 1/1 Acid Cloud
    LVL4: 5/5 Reaper
    LVL6: 5/5 Blight Phoenix
    LVL7: 1/1 Ruin

    LVL1: 5/5 Ward
    LVL2: 5/5 Kinetic Reflection
    LVL3: 0/1 Converge

    After I get Converge, I'll put points into Suspension, Quicken, and eventually Sub-Sequence when the level cap is raised. That will give me a hurricane of Phaselocks and elemental hell.

    I'll also put a few points into Sweet Release in the Harmony tree. I usually have at least 1 point there, as it's nice to get 15% or more health back every time a Phaselocked enemy dies.
  13. Per Randy Pitchford's twitter.

    "These codes have thousands of redemptions - one redemption per user. They will expire... Let's have a platform race!"

  14. Started playing NG+ last night and almost from the start was seeing new enemy types. Shielded enemies really resist fire now, having an electric elemental weapom has gone from a waste of time to a necessity.
  15. Beat the game earlier.. the last boss is a huge pushover especially if you finished all of the sidequests since you're already higher level than him plus there's tons of cover.

    Then I immediately started playthrough 2 and got this soon after.


    It's quite nice with my relic at that adds 20% more damage to explosive weapons.
  16. Finding the bosses in playthrough 2 a bitch. They can usually kill me in a few hits and have 100,000's HP. Having to use rocket launchers to stand any chance.

    The launcher I have does 23,000 damage and only uses one ammo per shot but I still die a few times on each boss. Got annoyed with doc mercy last night and ended up playing a siren. Even with the gunzerkers ability to regenerate HP its damn annoying.
  17. I lost about $150K by dying in this second playthrough so you're not the only one. The Boom Bewn Bros. killed me about 4 times.
  18. I found a low level version of that weapon in my first ever playthrough early in the game. It's a rare drop from Midge-Mong. Rarity that's less than 1/8 at least, as I've made several characters between the PC and PS3 versions and have only seen it pop up once. I think mine was a level 4 weapon. I've passed it on to each new character I make; it was useful way beyond level 4.

    I've found the Legendary weapons in Borderlands 2 to be much more rare than in the first game. I found Legendary fire sniper rifles (which I used quite often) constantly in the first game; I've yet to find one in Borderlands 2. I've discovered that I can use most Legendary gear at least 10 levels beyond its level requirement, which is usually way beyond other types of gear. I'm still using a level 13 Legendary grenade mod with a level 24 character and find it to still be quite effective. It's a shock grenade mod with a wide AoE that strips shields and kills weak enemies.
  19. @AKS

    I think I have found maybe 5 orange drops in total during the entire time I have played the game so far. One of them just happens to be a fire sniper which I am still using at level 36 if I take on flesh characters but with most enemies in NG+/True Vault Hunter Mode all having shields I am finding a blue shock sniper that I found is now actually more useful.

    At the moment I don't have much desire to play True Vault Hunter mode until Chi is available (as he is around the same level) as it is horrible in single player. Having to fight boss enemies all over again when you die (a lot) with full health/shields really annoys me whereas as long as another player stays alive in multiplayer you can get back and find them down to where you left them.

    The siren I have is currently at level 18 and I have gone down the right hand tree, the elemental damage that I currently do to enemies and enemies around them is crazy. I am using a slag SMG and getting fire and caustic damage from my skills added on, when I get to the bottom of the tree my phaselock will also add shock and caustic to the existing fire damage it does.
  20. I've only seen three orange weapons in my playthroughs. Found two purple relics though, one was from the DLC.

    Currently level 41. My corrosive sniper feels really useless even though it does 5000 damage unless I get a critical hit. Then I get +190% damage. I've got a rocket launcher that hits for about 43,000. Saved my bacon a few times