The only time I've really struggled so far in True Vault Hunter mode has been when a jackass with a corrosive rocket launcher kept one-shotting me, costing me roughly $250,000 within a minute or so. Then when he finally did die, his loot fell off a cliff. I was not happy. I've found shock sniper rifles to be very useful. I've used one until now, but I just found a slag sniper rifle that does almost double the damage of the shock sniper rifle I had been using. EDIT: I found a strange e-tech corrosive sniper rifle that will probably be my weapon of choice for awhile. My Siren is around level 43 now. I have combined Ruin and Converge, which puts slag and elemental damage on anything close to my Phaselock. I'm going to start extending the length of my Phaselock now and then begin lowering its cooldown. I can cut it down to around 9 seconds between Phaselocks with just Quicken. Maya's Motion level 6 Thoughtlock skill sucks, but the Motion skills in levels 1 through 5 are outstanding, especially when combined with the Cataclysm tree.
I like how you guys say you're "only" finding xx legendary weapons.. meanwhile the one I got WAS MY FIRST ONE.
SHIFT codes from about an hour ago: WinPC: CBKB3-3BKH9-XB3J3-BJB3B-H53CK PS3: WB5JJ-KX6HJ-XHJCT-ZBKJB-XW3J6 X360: WB5JJ-KX6CR-TFRBX-WFJJB-XW3S6
PC: 535TB-FK5K3-3W5KJ-SBK3B-R6RRX PC: KBCB3-THXT5-CX3TB-3TT33-TW5ZS Xbox 360: 5BKBT-WF5H5-XSFJF-KX3B3-F5SJS Xbox 360: CJ5JJ-TC59K-FSR3X-WRBJB-BFXFR PS3: 5BKBT-5BHTC-WXJJ3-JBBBT-KZX3B PS3: CJCT3-K3C5J-TKKWB-ZBWTJ-JW3C9 Active until 8pm GMT One more set of codes to come, on their facebook and twitter at 9pm GMT.
I don't know if any of your guys use Torgue guns (explosive rounds), but I just learned that things that add grenade damage also effect torgue explosive damage. I'm about to go nuts with Axton.
Has anyone noticed that everyone in Borderlands 2 is gay? Some guy in Sanctuary going "I'm GLAD he left, I don't need him any more" Dude in ECHO recordings at the wildlife sanctuary, something along the lines of "Leave my husband alone, he's got the skull shivers" Wildlife Sanctuary again, the lady professor being forced to perform the experiments, Jack mentions something like "If you ever want to see your wife again, you better do it" The only other relationships are R and L. And Mordecai and his bird...
It's amusing that Axton originally being bisexual was such a controversy that they abandoned the idea, but evidently it's perfectly acceptable to talk to his turret as though it's his girlfriend. Also, is it a British thing for males to refer to other males as "an old boyfriend?" I believe Sir Hammerlock used that phrase. He also has a rather suspicious moustache.
Not a British thing. I thought you Americans used boyfriend and girlfriend to refer to the same sex? Like: ''Don't go there girlfriend''
Women here will refer to other women as "girlfriend" without necessarily meaning anything romantic or intimate. When straight women here say that, they mean female friend. I have never heard a male say the equivalent about another male unless he was gay.
Gearbox posted Halloween skin shift codes. Since there's multiple ones per platform per character, my sorry ass ain't gonna post each one. Find it yourself. They're all good until Nov. 4 so no rush. edit: actually, here's a better reference to it. Gearbox has imgur albums with a look at the skin and the codes per platform. Axton: Maya: Salvador: Zer0's will be available in 1.5hrs.
So I finally got a good tediore (reloads throw the weapon and explode on impact) smg at level 44. As you may or may not know, the amount of ammo you have left in the clip when you reload effects the amount of damage the explosion does. So the more ammo left in the clip = big damage. I tested this today with my grenade/explosive damage build on Axton and did 440K damage on a single toss. This shall be my weapon of choice for second winds and against super badasses.
With my time in world of warcraft, i turned into a spec freak along with gear ocd with the mathematics of everything.. borderlands 2 brought my ocd back. Ever since I found out grenade damage effects torgue weapons, I specced all around it. Currently with this build, my survival is based on Willing for 1 sec full shield regen with this shield. Then I hide like a little girl behind a rock while Preparation slowly regens my health. With my expert grenadier class mod, it ups my grenadier skill to 5/5 and Steady to 10/5. So I toss my transfusion grenades to survive during firefights. Whatever the case, I can fire green torgue pistols at about 24K per round. My current Torgue assault rifle fires at about 15K-25K per round. 15K being just splash damage and 25K with direct hits. I use a Tediore smg for my second winds. Fire a single round and reload to toss the gun for ~440K damage. So since I just hit level 48 last night, I'm about to respec since I can drop double slag guns on my rocket firing turret now. I should be able to rock 17 grenades with this build. I find with this build, there's not much survival. You're prone to get downed pretty easily at any given point. The other problem is that Axton's available skill points kind of force you into a mid-range character offensively. And we all know how crappy close/mid-range is later on in the game with badass constructors and EXP loaders running at you. On my first playthrough, I specced all through survival. The phalanx shield on the turret help tremendously for instant cover. At high levels, it's possible to spec down the Guerilla tree for rockets on your turrets and go down Survival for the phalanx shield. You lose alot of firepower by doing this, but if you get a good sentry engineer class mod, you'll have very low cooldowns on the turret. Overall, the gunpowder tree is the weakest tree. But you need some of it to allow Axton to get decent damage without relying on the turret. If anyone is playing Salvador, I'd like some insight on him. I played one up to level 9 and was pretty much ugh. Being in Gunzerker mode requires you to run into danger to be useful. Seems like a receipe to die.