AKS might pick this up unless his PC mega rig has taken him over. Orick's delightfully mental so hopefully he gets it.
On second thoughts I may end up getting this when it comes out. It would be good to play it online with you guys from the beginning.
Kinda sad to say but I felt like all of the dialogue in Borderlands was better than all of the dialogue in Oblivion. I didn't play Mass Effect or Fallout so I can't comment on those. But if Mass Effect quests were anything like KOTOR, then those quests are literally more important than 90% of the quests in Borderlands. You get alot of quests from an automated machine in Borderlands.
I plan to pick it up. I'll see what kind of deals I can find. If it's as good as the first game, I may get both the PS3 and PC versions. I do that occasionally, especially if I find a good deal on the Steam copy.
Fallout is what Borderlands wishes it was, you should play it. It's literally Oblivion but with guns unstead of magic, and a cinematic targeting system that just looks great. Start with Fallout 3.
They're both first person shooters/rpgs. They both revolve around getting quests off people, performing the required task then returning to the quest giver for your reward. They both involve a lot of looting and selling said loot. They both have a levelling system where you gain points to distribute to make your character better. They both put you in a huge open world for you to explore at your leisure. They're similar in many ways.
There both RPG's but they are quite different. For me Borderlands really comes alive when you play it online so I would class it more of an online RPG. Both fantastic games.
I don't know about that. I think it's the other way around. borderlands has multiplayer and fallout does not. Also, borderlands got my money twice, and fallout didn't get any of my money.
Fallout doesn't need multiplayer to make it good, it's just a great solo game. Can you literally wipe a town off the map in Borderlands? I was alays going to love Fallout though, I love Oblivion and Fallout is just Oblivion with guns.
Borderlands is built around being an FPS with intrinsic multiplayer and RPG elements; Fallout is built to be a single player western RPG. To say Borderlands wants to be Fallout is incredibly wrong.
speaking of Western RPG, where does Red Dead Redemption fall on the RPG with Shooter elements vs. Shooter with RPG elements scale? Again, F3 is more an RPG first, Shooter second. Borderlands is more of an actiony Shooter first, RPG (time sink) second. I'd never heard RRR contrasted to this?
I thought Borderlands was a big Fallout ripoff when I first started playing it because of the original badlands setting being quite similar to fallout and they kept talking about a vault, where in Fallout 3 you start in a vault. Keep playing though and there aren't many similarities. Both are good, Fallout has a better story and is more of an RPG with skillsets etc, while Borderlands has more of that addictive nature to leveling up IMO. The feel of the weapons in Borderlands is like nothing else. Couple this with the fact that there are so many damn weapons and it's just damn addictive!
I would describe Red Dead is more of an open-world action adventure game. RPG elements are minimal. You can upgrade a few skills here and there, but it's mostly action adventure. Regardless of genre(s), you should buy it. It's a spectacular game. I'd say RDR is 70% adventure, 30% action. Fallout 3 is maybe 85% RPG, 15% action. Borderlands is tough to break down. It's definitely got a FPS feel in the gameplay, but there are lots of RPG elements. It's closer to even in the genre blending than most.
I wouldn't class RDR as an RPG. It's basically GTA but in the wild west, and I wouldn't class GTA as an RPG.
We have some video, it is very short but it shows off some new enemies and 2 different environments, some snow and some grass, both of which were very much missing in the first game. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/gc-11-borderlands-2/719042 Perhaps they are looking to move away from the single themed barren environments of the first.
I like the way he's taking them all down with one shot each and he's making it looks so easy, I wonder if that'll be anything like the actual gameplay.