Re: Re: Borderlands 2 The story was a weak old bag of semen, we had garbled voice comms for a few seconds after loading a new area but everything was fine beyond that. Maybe you're cursed with crappy internet.
The original looked like a grindfest similar to Diablo, so I never bothered with it. I'm guessing this one will be much the same. Some people like that style of gameplay, but it's not for me.
You know, I didn't really mind skags all that much later on. The hatred of them evened out when I met spiderants. I hated them evenly at that point. Yeah, it's basically mindless quests for xp to level you up so you can proceed on the main quest line. It's a horrible drag on single player, but it's incredible fun if you play on coop. Gearbox even implemented difficulty scaling quite beautifully when extra players join in. I would not recommend anyone this game if they plan on playing single player.
You skag haters are mental; I loved tearing through those things. I want 1000% more skags in new, exciting colours.
I heard they're going to do a Borderlands spinoff for the PS Vita called Skagocalypse: Call of the Skags. New skag types include the Mega Ultra Skag, Super Giga Skag, Alpha Beta Theta Skag, and Tyrannosaurus Skag.
Skags were way better than the scythids. They were just overdone a little. I didn't mind them at all though, they were pretty damn fun to blow away. The scythids on the other hand made annoying noises and were harder to shoot. If you didn't hit them from a distance they could fly or go underground, subjecting you to more annoying weird cat noises.
Borderlands just had some bad game design mixed in with the good stuff. Way too repetitive in terms of enemies and maps for the single player portion. Skags are the most obvious example.
Just to say I didn't find it too repetitive at all, I think you are all just moaning for the sake of it. Fantastic first game and I expect the sequel to be just as good if not better.
I seem to recall playing the exact same linear map multiple times for different SP missions and you have to go through the exact same enemies in the exact same spots in each time...that's bad game design. I think they were either short on budget or simply trying to pad the length of the SP.
If you were a better forward planner you could have avoided most of that. I think I had to go through Skag Valley/Canyon? twice and that was it. I would stack quests so that I only had to go to an area once. You were obviously playing it wrong. My years of WoW addiction taught me to stack up my quest log so that I wouldn't have to make multiple visits to the same places. I seriously can't actually remember a single area that wasn't a bit of a hub where I had to go back other than the one I mentioned before. If you had of spent an extra 5-10 minutes hunting for quests in the hubs you probably would have avoided the problem. EDIT: Now that I think about it even in Skag Valley/Canyon when I had to go there twice it wasn't even the same parts of it. The first time you went for 9 toes who was off in one direction then I went back in to kill a certain skag, again in a different direction and collect some flowers which were again in a different direction. As I said before, bad forward thinking probably accounted for your back tracking.
Quest stacking? When I played Borderlands, the missions were rated according to character level, so you had to follow a fairly predetermined order to complete them. I didn't start SP with a maxed out character.
Then just go and do something else in a different area and wait until you are OK to do all the quests in that area before going there, simples. To be honest none of the quests were that hard that they couldn't be done, even if you had to spent 5 minutes to grind to the next level. All of the quests in a an area were within a certain level range and even going to do the easier ones first usually meant that you were at the required level by the time you got to the harder one. It was so rare that you would only have 1 quest to do in any particular area so there was always scope for levelling before tackling the harder quests. Its all about planning your most efficient route and is the key to any game where a level system and an open world are involved.
Borderlands wasn't really an open world game. There were small sections that were open, but the majority of the game involved linear maps. And I've played many, many level oriented games in the past, so it's not a lack of planning or understanding. They just wanted to pad the SP hours and chose a bad way to do it. For example, in Skyrim, you're not going to go through the linear map of Skuldafn multiple times for multiple quest lines. You go through once and you're done.
But you didn't have to go through the same maps multiple times. I played the game through 2 or 3 times and can't recall a single point where I had to retrace my steps along a linear portion of the game. For one the game was full of teleporters, once you had completed linear track leading to a new area you simply skipped it when going back in the future. You could very easily collect all of the quests for any of the isolated areas such as The Trash Coast or Krom's Canyon and do them in one run. You must have been missing quests to have ended up doing so much back tracking in this game because I did hardly any, even on my first play through. Most of the areas I only saw once except for the hub areas but being hubs with towns and quests you expect to be returning to them. If you had to revisit isolated areas in Borderlands more than once you were doing something very very wrong.
I played through the first section of the game. It had 20 main story missions plus side quests on the Bounty Board for leveling, and they all took place within a grand total of seven maps. That math doesn't really add up to "you never repeat the same map twice".
You take the story quests AND the side quests, go to the relevant map ONCE and finish them, simple. It really isn't that hard. Like I said the only isolated map the story forces you to go back to is Skag Valley/Canyon but even then it is a different area of the map. You may go back to hub maps more often but that is expected in any game as you need to go there to collect and hand in quests.