Borderlands 2

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Grim, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. Arma must've loved Brock then, at least if he had spine snapping moves he'd be at least amusing.
  2. It's quite sad what devs mean when they say they are showing PC love in a game. What has the world come to?

    That's great and all, but that shit should all come in the PC version without question.
  3. You're right, but it's nice to know that they have finally listened. The game is now probably a day one purchase for me instead of just waiting for a steam sale. After the clusterfuck of a FOV that Borderlands and The Darkness 2 had and how hard (and inconsistent) it was to fix both, this is refreshing news.
  4. I really hope they do something with the way you use health kits and vials, unless they intended to make using those a real pain in the ass to begin with.

    Who the hell runs away from, say, skags, and tries to go into their inventory and click on use health vial while the action is not paused in the background.
  5. I never used healing kits, too much of a faff. Never really felt I needed them though, aside from Crawmerax.
  6. I never use them either, but on playthrough 2 and 3 in the mad moxxi arena dlc, it would be pretty helpful. especially if you don't have Rolando in your group.

    but the fact that you have to go into the inventory menu and select it while the action continues is pretty horrible.
  7. As soon as you get to Skag Valley you can pretty much just wait by the vending machine until it gives you a shield with health regen (albeit at a poor rate at this point) and then you will never need the health vials.
  8. that's not the point! :)

    just the interface is horrible to use items, especially on pc
  9. I never used them either, sometimes early on I'd have one in my inventory but later they were a waste of space. If my shield wasn't good enough I'd usually just throw some transfusion grenades instead.

    They could have had their place though, so if they made them usable on a press of a button it could really change the game. I think they'd probably have to treat them like ammo as they do with grenades rather than taking up inventory. Maybe have units that modify them as well as upgrading the strength and amount you can carry.

    So at the start you have 1 slot that heals 50hp, then you get 2 slots than can heal 75 each and so on. The modifiers could instead give you a shield boost, xx point shield recharge, transfusion and things like that. It could be adding another un-needed layer of complexity, but having an instant button for them is kind of a cheat when you can collect 10-20 of the damn things. Limiting how many you can have and making them more interesting just like grenades sounds good to me.
  10. Another pretty bad part is the action skill elemental modifier. There should be a way to quickly change that too.
  11. I've been playing the first Borderlands game recently and feel pretty pumped about the upcoming sequel. I really hope that all 4 characters are decent this time around. I'm hopeful that the Berzerker is actually worth using this time.
  12. Surely the universal hatred for Brick that seems to exist on the internet has gotten back to the developers. On wiki they are calling Salvador a 'gunzerker' so hopefully that means a change of tactics and apparently he can dual wield.

    What annoys me is that there doesn't seem to be a sniper specialist like Mordecai in the first game. That was my favourite class and they seem to have replaced it with the ninja.

    There is a fifth character this time around but I think it will be DLC later on. They are calling this class the 'Mechromancer'.

  13. Brick really wasn't on the same level as the others at all; I think the best thing he had was his support abilities like damage boosting. Lilith was overpowered too; at top level she was just deadly. Can't wait for this game to come out though.
  14. It is about the only thing on the horizon that we can get to get back into the 3/4 player stuff. There has been so little about recently that I am having to resort to older games. Maybe it could be worth going through Borderlands again on multiplayer in the month leading up to Borderlands 2 if you chaps wanted to.

    Saying that you only seem to use your PS3 for netflix these days, doesn't look like you have times for games. So far I have resisted the urge to spam your inbox to annoy you during whatever you are watching but it is getting harder by the day.
  15. The characters were so unbalanced in the first one. I was Roland and always picked up the best lmgs but my mate who played as Lilith using nothing but micro smgs was massively more effective at killing enemies. Probably because all the smgs had amazing elemental effects while the lmgs were given pretty much fuck all.
  16. Seems to be a bit of a drought at the moment for good coop games. I wouldnt mind giving borderlands another go but I think chi hates it now and AKS is always on at US times, rather selfishly I might add.

    Been using Netflix a lot for TV watching; been pretty good indeed.
  17. Lilith is a real demon in the end; weakish to begin with but her elemental guns just destroy in the end. Going back to my other characters just feels so weak.
  18. Zero looks to be a tamed down mordecai. I assume they balanced out the sniping skills with melee skills as Zero does has some sniping abilities from some videos I watched.
  19. If we did it then we should all pick different characters to get a feel for what it is like to play someone else in a group. You can be Brick.
  20. I could probably get back into Borderlands, but as a different character. Perhaps we should all be litliths. Or we should all be Bricks.