Boston Marathon hit by explosions

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by Phisix, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. London Marathon this weekend, hopefully this wasn't a practice run. Expect security to be beefed up.

    Edit: Just occurred to me that blowing up the London Marathon was the plot in 4 Lions, Chris Morris will get blamed for planting the seed.
  2. [​IMG]

  3. A lot of people would be watching this whether there were bombs or not. Hopefully they are able to figure out who the actual perpetrator was.
  4. I work only a few blocks away from where the explosions occurred. I didn't actually hear anything, but there were other people that said they heard it. I don't think you can read too much into figures on rooftops etc., as people hang out everywhere along the course to watch the race.
  5. From MIT's campus...

  6. Is it just me or is it the wrong way round?
  7. Someone on reddit posted videos of the explosions and some very NSWF photos you won't see on the news. One guy had his foot blown clean off, all that was left below his knee was bone. Horrific shit.
  8. It sounds like the doctor's at the various hospitals have confirmed that the bombs were filled with shrapnel. They were saying that the types of things they were removing (pellets/nails) were probably too consistent to have come from the surrounding environment. One doctor's quotes was that they were simply "finishing what the bomb started" in the cases of some victims, i.e., amputation.
  9. Yeah, I posted a link for that picture below in a link. Truly horrible.
  10. Bombs in pressure cookers... goddamn.
  11. Have they deduced the reason behind this attack yet?
  12. They'll probably never find out who did it or why. Just a senseless act of violence most likely.

    The worrying thing is there's no way to stop this kind of shit from happening. It will never stop no matter how hard American soldiers try to protect the US by bombing brown people.
  13. No idea what America is like for here but here there are so many cameras now in the major cities that they would at least have some footage of anyone they thought was involved.

    Also if it was terrorists then they will want to advertise this and I expect them to come out and take responsibility at some point in the near future. If it was just another crazed pyscho then he/she may keep quiet until caught.
  14. Sounds like they're leaning more towards the possibility that it's not a foreign based group that did this. The construction of the bomb and type of explosive used (not plastic, lower grade = white smoke seen in photos/video) doesn't seem to point towards an expert, but more likely a person with moderate knowledge of bomb making.
  15. Leave it to Armadeadn to turn a thread about a tragic event into an anti-American rant.
  16. Apparently a surveillance camera from a nearby department store may have some evidence of the bomber at the second location. They're saying there's two different video sources that may have caught the suspect carrying/dropping a black bag.
  17. An arrest has been made, seems to be in connection with the footage.
  18. Re: Re: Boston Marathon hit by explosions

    Unfortunately we dont have a sophisticated cctv system spread out like you guys do. there's some cities in the US that have a camera system set up but they're not as well done as you guys have it. i think nyc has it spread out pretty well, which is why the Person of Interest show takes place there. and I say unfortunately since I'm for widespread cctv use in the US. many Americans are not due to privacy issues.
  19. My opinion is that if you are doing nothing wrong then why oppose it? It is there to make you safer.

    We get plenty of people who complain about it too but we seem to ignore them and install it anyway.