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Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by cmdrmonkey, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Okay I'm 31 now and I feel old, so I don't even want to think of how crusty you old timers are. :)
  2. I didn't really feel old until I had a kid. Now I've realized that I've basically turned into my father.
  3. At least you had a father :'(
  4. Yall a bunch of millennials. Stop ruining everything and get off my lawn.
  5. Does anyone else have a broken Windows search bar?
  6. I switched to the icon ages ago because the bar kept having issues
  7. That doesn't work for me either. It's some kind of bug. MS released a patch today but I can't find WindowsUpdate. How did I become so helpless?
  8. For the first time in the longest time I purchased a work PC this week that has an AMD processor in it. With an M.2 Samsung SSD the thing is lightning fast and no one will be able to tell any different to the normal Intel desktops I have been buying for the longest time.

    I did try to get EPYC in my last server purchase but it wasn't available with the hyper-converged storage system we currently use so Intel got 4 more XEONs in my server room.
  9. I upgraded from Intel and got myself a ryzen 3900x. Last time I had an AMD processor was back in pentium 3 days

    Sent from my ASUS_I001DC using Tapatalk
  10. I'm getting a Chromebook today. I have to admit I'm curious to see how well a $250 laptop performs. I got one with an ARM processor which some people say does better with Android apps. I don't expect much but the kids can use it for schoolwork while they are stuck at home.
  11. I got my dad the samsung Chromebook plus. it uses Samsung's exynos SOC. not really much to see it terms of performance on these things. it's literally just chrome/Android. they've been in the market for so long now, the main picking points now are build quality, weight, etc.

    the touch display is going nuts on it though. I just ordered him a pixelbook go to replace it.
  12. I've read that touch displays are going nuts on a lot of Chromebooks. One reported fix is to change the channel (stable, beta, developer) to developer, or roll back to an early version of the OS.
  13. Can I ask why you guys would choose Chromebook instead of the $200 HP laptop that runs full Windows? It should do the same thing Chrome can but with more flexibility.
  14. thanks for the heads up bfun. i'll look at that.

    for my purpose, this is to give someone so i don't ever have to be their dedicated troubleshooting guy. also generally speaking, for windows laptops, you gotta throw down money to get one with good build quality, decent display, and decent battery life.
  15. Chromebooks seem like a better value in the $250 to $350 range than a Windows laptop. I scored an i5 $350 laptop a few years back on a black Friday deal. It did pretty well for a couple of years but I had to re-install Windows twice and now it seems really slow. Maybe it's a thermal issue. Anyway, I'm hoping maintenance is simpler and the security is better on the Chromebook. Also, my daughter uses them at school so I wont have waste time teaching her how to use Windows (home school starts today). I also have a huge android app library which should be useful.
  16. My Son wanted a mouse pad so he dug through my computer junk drawers and found this gem. I'm guessing I got it some time around 1990.

  17. Seems like something my son would pick too
  18. Steam has Alien: Isolation for $2. I'd get it but I'm not sure my heart could handle that game.