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Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by cmdrmonkey, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. I really wish the assclowns who carry out mass shootings would just blow their own brains out and leave everyone else out of it.

  2. Honestly, we're just playing wack-a-mole when we go looking for the cause. Is it mental health, video games, not enough god, too much god, fluoride in the water, Ozzy Osborne, D&D, inequality, political rage, drug addiction, racism. When the going nuts switch flips, the ass clowns have easy access to weapons of mass murder.
  3. I think we've disproven the "good guys with guns" fallacy in a spectacular manner. If the professionally trained good guys with expensive toys are too scared to act, I don't hold out much hope for the general public.

    And lol at arming teachers. That might work. But only because it'll suddenly become a $150k/year job. You can't pay people $35k and tell them by the way you need to arm yourself because this job is fucking insanely dangerous.
  4. It might work at elementary schools. In middle or high school it'd be plain stupid. Teacher and student psychical altercations are too common. Also, what happens when you give a bunch of guns to untrained teachers in a school that has a student that wants to kill other students. Is a 50 year old teacher going to keep Johnny from taking her gun?
  5. #6145 cmdrmonkey, Jun 8, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2022
    .223/5.56 will go right through a vest. Many cops are just going to nope out of that situation and wait for SWAT, as we saw in both Parkland and Uvalde. When even the regular cops struggle to handle these situations and wait for special cops, the idea of arming teachers is absolutely insane.
  6. It’s so dumb. I feel like half the country are loser internet gangsters who have transitioned to LARPing in real life. But they forgot they are unsuccessful and stupid.
  7. I always think of this guy when a Brit wonders about American schools

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  8. #6148 cmdrmonkey, Aug 1, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2022
    I went to Legoland over the weekend with my son. If you have younger kids who like Legos it’s a good time. I was blown away by how far they’ve come with Legos since I was a kid. Bought a bunch of Lego kits on the way out.
  9. What do you guys do with your old USB chargers? I have old Aukey bricks from 2016 with quick charge 2.0 on them. I suppose they still work fine for most things. My house is like 90% Apple now so QC isn't needed.
  10. I just keep them and use them for other stuff that needs a usb wall wort.
  11. I have a ginormous bag of Legos that my son has collected over the years. He doesn't want them anymore so I'm trying to figure out what to do with them. I'd probably donate them, but a long time ago I gave him my old sets from when I was a kid. I'd like them back, but it'd be dam near impossible to find all the piece to them in the bag.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  12. I have more LEGOs than I have any clue what to do with. We've even gotten into the motorized ones. My son has several motorized trains that he can drive using an iPad app.
  13. Tucker Carlson got fired!

    The last time I’ve been this excited was when Bill O’Reilly got fired!
  14. Or when Rush Limbaugh got fired! Oh wait...

    And Don Lemon was fired a few minutes later. Coincidence? I'm thinking an unlikely team up TikTok sensation.
  15. #6155 cmdrmonkey, Apr 25, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2023
    It was the same thing with Glenn Beck. These guys invariably end up flying too close to the sun.

    Tucker cost Fox almost $800M with his election lies. Beck had too many advertisers boycotting his show over his hateful conspiracy theories.

    Fox will tolerate hate and conspiracy theories if it brings viewers, but they won't tolerate losing money.
  16. #6156 bfun, Apr 25, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2023
    My theory is he's said something worse than what has already come out. We know he's criticized Trump, and he's criticized his own management, but there was still a lot of redacted material and two more lawsuits to go. Fox might be covering their ass by getting rid of him now.

    Also, don't feel too bad for him. Russian state owned propaganda outlets offered him a job and suggested he run for president. So he's got options.
  17. #6157 cmdrmonkey, Apr 26, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2023
    That's the real kicker with Tucker. The internal emails show he didn't even believe the bullshit he was saying on air, that he doesn't even like Trump, that he knows the election wasn't stolen.
  18. My dog died a couple of nights ago. He suddenly went into respiratory distress and before I could do anything he collapsed and died in my arms. He was 14 years old and had some health problems, so it wasn't surprising, but it was still heartbreaking. At least it was at home with me holding him and not at the vet's office. I don't know if I want another dog right away. I absolutely love dogs and think they're amazing animals, but it seems like they're just a heartbreak waiting to happen.

    I'll probably get overruled though. My son loved our dog and is saying he wants another dog right away.
  19. I had to make the decision to put our family dog I grew up with to sleep years ago. He had substantial cardiac and respiratory problems and was 16 or 17 years old at that point and it was late June and heating up fast. He wasn't going to make it through +90 degree heat with close to 100% humidity at times, and I thought me not wanting to deal with it wasn't justification to let him suffer through that. Much to the vet's surprise, I carried his body back to the car and buried him myself on a family property. It was very difficult choice to make but I think the correct one. I didn't have another pet for at least 15 to 20 years later, a stray cat I ended up with a few years ago.