Coordinated terror attack in Paris

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by supersonic, Nov 14, 2015.

  1. Brutal. My family was there last month...
  2. F**ck.. was in Nice in March. This is f**cking horrendous.
  3. Good thing the Candidate of Peace™ Donald Trump is around to spread his message of love and acceptance.
  4. did this guy just censor himself on the internet
  5. #25 cmdrmonkey, Jul 15, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016

    Because love and acceptance are what we need when dealing with bloodthirsty ISIS savages who want to murder us all, and whose endgame is to literally bring about Armageddon with the West. Trump at least acknowledges Islam has a problem and has a plan to do something about it. Hillary is like Obama where she scolds us for being Islamophobic every time one of these attacks happens. And these attacks are now happening with such regularity that people are becoming numb to them.

    I don't want this shit in my country. I don't think the British do either, which is why many of them voted for Brexit. We can keep being politically correct and pretending Islam doesn't have a problem, or we can do something about it.
  6. It's actually the Wahabists that have a problem, not Islam. If you can't distinguish between the two, then any "plan" you come up with isn't likely to be very successful.
  7. You misspelled Wahhabists. And Wahhabism is a sect of Islam. You're acting like it's some other group.

    Also haven't we dispelled the myth of "just a few extremists" ? I showed you a video where Muslims themselves are saying moderate Islam is a myth.

    ISIS is Islam in its purest form. And Islam is fundamentally incompatible with Western democratic values.
  8. #28 ali_f, Jul 15, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
    My grandad fought for the Brits in World War II when Britain ruled India. After the war, he lived in the UK.

    I am the third generation of a British Asian living peacefully in the UK, working hard and paying taxes. Seriously, don't generalize muslims from these morons (worst scum of the earth) that are causing atrocities.

    Many peaceful muslims were also killed yesterday (although that does not matter as every victim counts):
  9. #29 cmdrmonkey, Jul 15, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
    I've never said anything negative about Indians or Indian immigration. They practice a religion that's actually peaceful and come to western countries and work hard, contribute to society, and tend to be highly successful overachievers.

    Muslims on the other hand are mostly a bunch of barbaric savages stuck in the middle ages with values that are incompatible with democracy who practice an abhorrent religion that encourages violence.

    People need to stop pretending Islam doesn't have a problem and see it for the vile, evil bullshit that it really is.

    If people from Muslim countries would stop practicing Islam and Sharia Law, I would welcome them as immigrants with open arms. Until then they can stay in Buttfuckistan and keep murdering each other. Islam has no place in a civilized society.
  10. 14% of the population in India is Muslim (172 million). 1% in the United States (3 million). So if you consider India to peaceful and perfectly fine, then what exactly is the issue supposed to be in the U.S. again?
  11. #31 cmdrmonkey, Jul 15, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
    Indians have had their own problems with Muslims, and I'm sure many would agree with me that Muslims are scumbags. Heck, they are perpetually in a state of cold war with their Muslim neighbor Pakistan.

    Muslims are such shitheads that they don't even like dogs and cats. They crucify them. Seriously fuck these people.

    Aside from them being total shitheads in general, I can't trust people don't like dogs, don't eat bacon, and don't drink beer. And they certainly don't belong in America.


    Every horrific thing the Muslims do is just pushing me more and more towards voting for Trump. And I'm normally a left leaning Democrat. But my tolerance has limits.

    And I'm not alone. ISIS is practically endorsing Trump 2016 and their own demise with each terrorist attack.
  12. LOL. I've seen alterego self censor "crap" in some thread. It blew my mind.
  13. I think part of why picking on alterego is so much fun is because it's like picking on a mormon or something. The guy is so mild he doesn't even curse.
  14. #34 cmdrmonkey, Jul 15, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
  15. There's just 2 or 3 crazy guys out there at the most.

  16. #36 cmdrmonkey, Jul 15, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
    So much insight in this scene

    ISIS = assholes

    What we need right now is a dick who will fuck the assholes.
  17. And I like picking on you because you're so ignorant. You'll always contradict your own argument after 2-3 posts, then try to cover your tracks by pretending to troll.
  18. It's not censorship. It adds emphasis. If you just use "fuck", then it's just run of the mill. But "f*ck" makes it seem like you mean it. It adds a bit of an edge.