This just came out on PC so maybe I'll give it a go at some point. What's so great about it, as in what's it's big claim to fame? I see that it has a lot of 9 and 9.5 out of 10 reviews, but it looks like a generic dungeon crawler from the videos and pictures I've seen.
It's prequal, Demon Souls, had that single player where you were playing single player with actual players you interacted with not AI... or something like that. I don't know if Demon Souls is like that. They may have shelved that idea as it made Dark Souls not a game you wanted to hold back for later as in all 'multiplayer' experiences, once the servers go down the lights go out. It's also supposed to be really tough and unforgiving if that tempts you. Frankly I don't care about dificulty and always go for the easy (except when it's EXCEPTIONALLY easy like Bayonetta...)
This is a game where you have to think about your next action whether it be attack or defence. It truly is a hard game, but an enjoyable one at that.
Hmm, a few highlights: -one of the best integrated game worlds I've experienced. Ever. -gameplay is the best in the genre. The gold standard. It makes other action/RPGs feel like you're using an Atari joystick by comparison -challenge is actually decent, which has a vital impact on the gameplay; button mashing doesn't cut it; you really have to think about whether pushing ahead is worth it because there are real penalties. -also, defense and strategy actually mean something in this game thanks to the difficulty. You will learn to evade and get some decent gear or you will die. Often. -terrific and unique online system -nearly endless replay value -there were always be a few toolboxes here and there, but overall the "Souls" games have one of the most ethical and honorable user bases I've ever seen. Very polite and courteous most of the time, often even when you are invaded. It's rare to get cheapshotted, and if you are an invader and you have people watching you in a PVP match, they will beat the piss out of you if you do something cheap (esp. in Demon's Souls). They bow. They wait until you are ready to fight. In the gaming universe full of whiny 12-year-old brats, the "Souls" games were a nice break from the norm. In short, it has very few flaws, and what it does well, it does as well as any action/RPG (my favorite genre, BTW) I've played. The way the game world is constructed and interwoven in particular is a thing of beauty. EDIT: Also, FROM has made the boss battle a meaningful experience again. You can get into some truly epic confrontations with both bosses as well as invaders. I've had some battles last for quite some time and were tense enough that I ran to get to a safe place and took a break from the game afterwards.
Based on what I've read, you might want to give them a bit of time to get everything sorted with the PC version. They are not PC developers and didn't plan to do a PC version. They received customer feedback that requested a PC version, so they obliged with a pretty much 1:1 port. They have been open about this from the very beginning.
If this is anything like the original darksiders port, then cmdr may facepalm. Behold the advanced options menu. LINK
FROM was founded in 1986 and this is their second PC game. The first was Ninja Blade in 2009. Dark Souls was never planned for PC. It's only being released on PC as a favor to the fans who requested it on PC. Anyone who expected them to re-engineer the game for PC is not being realistic. It will be the same game as on consoles but at a higher resolution and with smoother framerate. PC gaming is not their domain, and they are not a big megastudio with unlimited cash. FROM is a Japanese developer that is about the same total number of employees as Naughty Dog but without the megabucks and unlimited resources.
It doesn't require re-engineering to allow you to adjust game effects though. There's a ton of independent game devs or even devs that mainly only produce value game titles that have plenty of graphics options available. It's just a natural part of a PC game to have scalable options. I'm familiar with FROM Software as I played the hell out of their Otogi games but Japanese devs have a VERY long way to go in PC gaming development. The only one off the top of my head that got better throughout the years was Capcom. But that was quite a rocky road. I remember in Onimusha 3, they didn't even bother trying to change the on-screen directions. "Press Square to continue" I have no square button on my keyboard.
Apparently the PC version of Dark Souls has some resolution issue where it's stuck at 1024 by 768. Some guy's made a patch to unlock the resolution though.
Blighttown was surprisingly easy with a shortcut from the bonfire in the depths. I've cleared the area and my body is ready for the boss. The town resembles 5-1 from Demon's Souls. I almost missed the bonfire as I haven't noticed it and went down the level. Only after seeing the fog, I've realized that the bonfire should have been somewhere earlier
Were you human and did man eater Mildred invade? If she did and you won you can summon her for the boss, she provides a nice distraction to the boss if you find her tough. I wont spoil anything but just remember to keep moving as she has some nasty attacks if you have to get in close.
Noone invaded. Tried the boss like 4 or 5 times but will have to carefully study first. She's just tough. Nice thing is that there's some good stuff, the crimson for a sorcerer and the shadow with a great poison resist (this is what I use now).
From the bonfire in the tunnel reverse your hollowing if you have any humanity, leave the tunnel and head to the right a bit and she should invade (it is a NPC scripted event). Once you have beaten her as long as you are not hollow her summon side should appear just beside the fog door to Quelaag. She will run in and pretty much end up tanking her for you which makes the fight a lot easier. Quelaag can kill her if you are not quick enough but she has a decent amount of HP and should get you through the fight.
Great tip, thanks. I am just gonna check out if she can be summoned multiple times. I am not sure I will win during the first battle with her help.
Yes her summon sign will appear again as long as you are not hollow so you will need a supply of humanity.
It was actually much easier than I expected. The Maneater is really easy to beat but her/his (?) help during the battle is invaluable as it engages Quelaag giving you much time and opportunities to damage the spider. Thanks again.
I have just arrived to Anor Londo, it's the most beautiful level so far. I have upgraded my elite knight set plus I got a lighting spear which is devastating. Actually, the sens fortress was the easiest level so far.