Design a PVC Logo

Discussion in 'Pipeline' started by Ichiban, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. I thought it might work as a favicon [​IMG]

    The mouse probably needs a bit of nudge towards the centre.
  2. @bfun: You turned into The Riddler or something? I'll shall go with chi's definition out of spite.
  3. Haha we will find out the mystery, sometime, soon or late :p
  4. Thats up to you detective.
  5. It's kind of hard to tell what it is when it's that small.
  6. Yea il wait till the Chair has implemented the Museum Search function :lol:
  7. That ones the best so far, chi. Good work.
  8. I like how it looks like a PlayStation controller, so it helps ward off Xbots like myself. Nice job though Chi.

    EDIT: I think it should have been a gamecube controller. That way everyone would be happy... except maybe Armadeadn.
  9. It's the most recognisable silhouette out of the pads, the Xbox one just looks like a wedgey blod and te gamecube controller is too spindly and weird looking.
  10. Ok, I guess you have a point there. Still it's a nice logo.
  11. It atleast fits whats going on here, PC vs PS3 :)
  12. Fixed for accuracy.
  13. Voila, here's a stab at a PCVF3 logo...idea being that the unifying element between PC's and consoles is the directional keys. Suggests the form of a gamepad as well as the keys of a keyboard.

  14. Looks pretty good on a t-shirt too...

  15. I actually quite like that for our logo. Good indeed.
  16. That looks awesome. I particularly like it with the blue on the right.
  17. Yeah, that looks excellent in blue. Good job.
  18. We should have tshirts for all of the members :D
  19. Great work on the logo; great effort.

    Ordered. The bill for 2000 printed shirts is in your name. Thanks for your generous donation.

    Really I would only want the t-shirt if it came with a free Angelina Jolie...