DirectX 12

Discussion in 'Technology' started by bfun, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. Normally I don't get too excited about new versions of DirectX because they typically aren't as good as the promises. However early reviews of DX12 seem to indicate that there could be a 20% frame rate increase over DX11. One of the biggest changes is that DX12 will now take advantage of multicore CPUs. I believe that was something promised with DX11.

  2. According to the XBOX camp, this API update is going to make XBone the most powerful console ever.
  3. Maybe we'll finally see Shrek level graphics.
  4. Or Pokeyshot level graphics!
  5. A project Cars developer recently said that DirectX 12 will provide a "30-40%" game performance boost on the Xbox. Followed by "I'm not exaggerating.".
  6. If your running Windows 10 you can download a DirectX 12 demo.
  7. Attached Files:

  8. This might be why Nvidia is rolling back support for SLi. If it works we might actually have a reason to consider low-end multi GPU systems vs a single highend GPUs.