Do you think the government will shut down?

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by bfun, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. I recently tried alligator on my trip to Florida. It was OK, but I would have preferred to try it prepared some other way than fried. The seafood and High Five frozen yogurt shops were much more enjoyable.

    I'd try kangaroo at least once.
  2. So... the government lives! Douche-baggers waited until the last minute to trim a whole $39 Billion from a $1.6 TRILLION defect budget.

    Our politicians are such dumb-asses. Democrats don't want to cut any programs even though we are a 3rd world country. Republicans will go after pennies, when they should be going after their precious trillion $ DoD budget.
  3. Boooo. Shut it down! Shut it down!
  4. @supersonic

    We could have all the friggin social programs in the world if we would just cut our wasteful military spending. We don't need to maintain a gigantic conventional army. That's no longer how wars are fought, and we're a geographically isolated country with friendly neighbors.
  5. We're a 3rd world country because of the wealth inequality. 80% of wage earners in the U.S. have seen only 1% or less growth in their real income over the last 30 years. The GOP has already been successful in their goal to regress wealth distribution back to 19th century standards, and now they're attempting to finish the job by using the deficit as an excuse to scrap many of the programs that provide some support to that same 80%.

    Since religious and racial intolerance are flourishing in this country, the GOP is able to get a significant percentage of that 80% to vote for them, despite the fact that they're stealing their money and country.
  6. Fuck the GOP. Seriously, they were willing to shut down the government over $300M to Planned Parenthood, while we spend billions on vaperware defense programs that we will never use. NASA is another agency that needs to be cut down to a home telescope and a high school kid doing volunteer work. The TSA and DHS can both be shutdown. The Department of Justice works for Goldman Sachs, so taxpayers should not be paying for it.

    That would probably get us out of debt pretty quickly.
  7. Some brilliant minds disagree with your socialized liberal fascist commie ideas (they all blend together even when they are diametrically opposed philosophically; Glenn Beck told me so...). Are you prepared to debate with this type of logic?

  8. Hasn't that already essentially happened? The shuttle program ended and I don't think they have much in the works. NASA did great things 30+ years ago, but they haven't been relevant for a long time. I like the idea of NASA, but it seems they have no vision or direction these days.
  9. But it still gets $20 billion in funding. I don't understand idiots that want to cut the Dept. of Education, but finance space exploration... Where are you going to get the fucking engineers from? All these redundant agencies providing a false sense of security need to go.

    FBI + CIA are pretty much all we fucking need.
  10. The FBI, CIA, and NSA should just be rolled into one agency. There's way too much overlap in what they do. Homeland security and the TSA have no reason for existing.

    On top of that, it seems like one of the biggest problems with these intelligence and security agencies is that they don't communicate well with each other. That wouldn't be a problem if they were all the same agency.

    Also, the DEA has no reason for existing. We're supposed to be a free society. We don't need a bunch of narcs on a power trip. We should decriminalize all drugs. That would clear out most of our prison population, which would save a huge amount of money, and reduce crime.
  11. Fuck the NSA. You aren't supposed to spy on your citizens. The FBI can investigate crimes AFTER they occur. If these idiots could work together you wouldn't need any of these:

    National Security Agency
    National Reconnaissance Office
    National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
    Defense Intelligence Agency
    Department of Homeland Security
    Defense Information Systems Agency
    Defense Protective Service
    Defense Security Service
    DOJ - Drug Enforcement Administration
    Dept. of State - Bureau of Intelligence & Research
    Dept. of State - Counterterrorism Office
    Dept. of Treasury - Office of Terrorism
    Transportation Safety Administration

    We could get by on these three:
    CIA- International
    FBI- Domestic
    DoD - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (they make cool stuff!)
  12. democracy has failed *laughs*