Doug Hutchison and his 16-year-old bride

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by bfun, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. I think 14 is the average age for pregnancy on Kauai.

    Two different worlds. There it's fine. Here you'd get a few years in prison and have to register every year on your birthday as a sex offender. Then you'd be put on a google map so anyone could find you. Basically it would ruin your life and you'd become less popular than OJ Simpson.

    You probably don't have the term Jailbait.

  2. This isn't Europe. We don't have your crazy Euro sex parties where everyone screws everyone. We have laws here about where you can and can't stick your dick.
  3. Don't know how 16yr olds are in Europe, but here in specifically the US, there is no reason a mature adult would want to get with a 16yr old other than to get in their pants. We have some really immature kids here. 16yr old kids is what you would call them. No where near an adult.

    To put it in perspective in the US. A 16yr old isn't allowed to smoke or buy alcohol. In some states, they can't even drive yet. They can't even watch a rated R movie in the theaters by themselves. If the game stores enforce it, they aren't allowed to buy rated M video games either.
  4. Yeah, over here if a mature adult gets with a 16 year old it's considered a bit pervy but that's about it. You have to be 17 to drive so that would be out the window and what's rated as M over there (17 and older) is rated 18 over here. You have to be 18 to buy booze but there used to be policies where if you looked under 21 you'd be asked for I.D, but since that didn't seem to reduce under age drinking a lot of places these days will ask you for I.D if you look under 25, just to cover their arses. The legal age to buy cigs used to be 16 but around 2007 they raised it to 18, much to the annoyance of all the 16 and 17 year olds.

    I've always thought it was funny that over there they call the 17 rated classification "Mature", how mature are most 17 year olds anyway?
  5. This made me think of the song "Child Bride" from The Whitest Kids You Know.

  6. what?!! you can't buy a fag till your 18????! That's horrible! You ppl wait way too long to buy a fag. Harry Potter wants a fag!!!!
  7. Here in Australia you have to be 18 to buy Alcohol, Porn and Cigarettes, has been that way for a LONG time and that's exactly how it should be. 21 is unreasonable for alcohol and 16-17 pretty damn irresponsible for cigarettes.

    For consent it's 16 unless I think the older party is 18 or older, which makes sense to me. It is a little strange that it's legal to have sex 2 years before you're allowed to look at people doing it, but really, porn is pretty fucked up for the most part, even the mild stuff gives people some pretty false impressions of sex.

    I'm almost 25 myself and I find the vast majority of girls below 23 annoying, with some exceptions of course. Actually wanting to marry a 16 year old for anyone over 21 is pretty weird from my perspective - even if they do look like a 30yr old fake arse crack head.
  8. Exactly. For me, 22-25 was when I slowly phased out the whole college drinking/partying routine. Once I got passed that I find it really annoying to be around.