Dragon Age: Inquisition

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by bfun, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. First Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC has been released, Jaws of Hakkon, but only for PC and XB1 at the moment…dirty bastards! Sounds like there will be a new dragon to fight, among other things. Let the price whining begin!
  2. How much is it? Whatever it is it's too much. Bastards.
  3. I will have other things to do by the time this comes to PS4 so will probably skip the DLC for now.

    I found the Masterwork Spiked Longbow schematic last night so built one with the best stuff I had and added loads of Dex and Cun. I also added a masterwork to give it a 10% chance to fire off hidden blades on hit. As I am near endgame and feel Demons will be more common I added a master demon slaying rune. I now feel so OP (especially against demons) and can down most things with ease. Thinking of adding the hidden blades thing to a dagger for Cole too, its such a devastating attack and with both rogues hitting it randomly and being able to use it nothing will stand a chance.
  4. $14.99
  5. I never understood why Hidden Blades would even be an option for rogues using a bow. Doesn't make much sense, really.
  6. It does 6 hits for huge damage and its launched from range, why wouldn't it be an option? The automatic one is only 4 hits.

    It's a dagger throw that initiates it so I guess the dagger is the hidden blade?

    Just did the hissing wastes dragon, easiest one yet.
  7. Just taken down my 9th dragon, these guys are becoming trivial now, did 2 in a row in de lion without resting in between and still didn't run out of potions.

    Edit: Make that 10, highland ravager went down without a fight.

    Edit 2: I had to reload and kill it again, bug in game that means you have to kill 11 for the kill 10 trophy. Second fight didn't go as well, got stuck under it at the start. Second fight video, didn't capture the first.

  8. Bah you guys made me load it up again. I killed one more dragon and realized my companions are under equipped. Then I realized that I never even made it to the hissing waste. So I got that going for me.
  9. The hissing wastes has some of the best tier 3 schematics and a hell of a lot of them at that.
  10. Are you playing on easy difficulty? That was only a single wave of dragonlings. In my experience on standard difficulty, the Emprise dragons will start continuously calling dragonlings about halfway through their health, not a single wave right before they die.
  11. No it is on normal.

    The first time I had 2 waves but this time it seemed to bug out, if you listen he screeches at one point but nothing seems to happen. I can't remember how many waves the other two called but they both flew off a few times as well so I can't remember too much detail.

    The worst for calling was the one in Hinterlands, that git was the first I fought and he called in a few waves and was a challenge.

    Of the last 4 I fought the 3 in du lion were not too bad, that last one cost me a few potions but the other two I was able to do on one stock of them. The one in the storm coast however was the hardest, it had the best armor and its lightning based attacks really drained my health.

    I think the big key to me taking them all down so fast was hidden blades, it is fantastic at draining guard. With both the inquisitor and Cole having the ability AND having a weapon with a 10% chance to cast nothing really stands a chance. Leaping shot is also good for multiple hits against the guard and it recharges quickly.

    The first 2 or 3 dragons I fought were a challenge, I even died once but after that I learnt how to build gear properly and spec my party. If you watch the video you will see just how often I crit, one long draw did nearly 10,000 damage. Everyone has tier 3 masterwork weapons with tons of buffs and stat boosts and everyone is wearing tier 3 armor from the seller in Hissing Wastes, again with loads of boosts applied. I have finished nearly every side quest in the game, just 1 or 2 left in Du Lion. I still need to do the companion quests, started Cassandra and finished Blackwall or should i say Thom?
  12. Yeah I'm noticing that the best medium gear is there but my party was always two mages an two heavys. I was able to get good stuff for them elsewhere. I dusted my Archers off to kill some dragons and of course they are ill-equipped because I never used them. After killing the dragon I remembered why I stopped going after them. The battles are long and boring. I hoping to get the criticals up on Cole and Sera to speed things up. I built my own mage for crowd control and support. He doesn't do well against dragons which seem to be immune to his best attacks.
  13. Hmmmm, well, my own experience on the default difficulty is that the Emprise dragons start calling dragonlings about halfway through the fight, and they don't stop calling them. As soon as you kill one wave, they'll immediately call the next. I had to fight through at least 7-8 waves of dragonlings to kill the Judicael's Ring dragon.
  14. That's the middle one isn't it? That one just kept taking off for me .

    Perhaps the speed at which I am draining the health off of these things helps. I had a look at the AI and that one takes off at 75%, 50% and 25%, if I take it down from 50 to 25 quickly then it won't have a chance to call before its AI forces it to take off. I also managed to take out the legs on that dragon so it spent a good while stuck on the ground, again not being able to call. I went for the legs on the last one but he didn't seem to go down, perhaps I kept switching leg without noticing.

    I do feel I have really overpowered my team. They all have armor and weapons with massive stat boosts, 2 of them built guard on attack, 2 of them have a 10% chance of using hidden blades and my mage is doing a lot of buffing. Coles 2 daggers add up to around 800 DPS and they have really high CUN and DEX stat boosts. Again you saw just how often I was hitting crits with the inquisitor.

    I think the longest part of any dragon fight from what I have seen on YouTube is getting its armor down when it guards, having two characters with hidden blades and one with leaping shot is almost negating this for me and I am quickly back to dealing actual damage.

    EDIT: I have found plenty of videos on YouTube of people taking that dragon down in 1-2 minutes with no dragonling calls. This guy even solos it! Looks like I am not too OP at all compared to some people.

  15. You talking about the middle one at Emprise du Lion? I fought that one last night. I think it called in two waves on my first failed attempt and then the second time it was only one wave. The guard on the dragons isn't too difficult to remove if you have a mage with dispel or Casandra with spell purge.
  16. Ive never bothered giving Casandra spell purge, didn't even twig with me that it would remove guard.. oops.
  17. I wouldn't have thought that the call to the dragonlings was even a spell to be purged. Similar to the "hidden blades" with a bow, that doesn't really make sense.
  18. No I meant Spell Purge knocks down Guard. It also does 600% damage.
  19. I believe my mage does have at least one form of dispel, and Cassandra does have Spell Purge. However, I never use dispel much (didn't realize it had anything to do with guard…why not Guard Purge???), and the AI apparently never makes use of it with Cassandra. I guess that's one of the nice things about this game: there's more than one strategy that works.
  20. You right that it doesn't make sense. Guard is not a spell. It's a good ability for rifts as many of the demons spawn with barriers. Actually I think that's the main purpose as her Templar skills are meant to take out demons. Spell purge -> strip barriers and 600% damage, then Wraith of Heaven - stuns and 700% damage against demons. So it's about 4000 AOE damage against demons plus stun and barrier strip. Of course it's rare that I take the effort to manage her. I just let her tank on her own.