I played it a bit in middle school and high school. But it wasn't long before better shooters like Quake 2 and 3, Unreal, Rainbow Six, System Shock 2, Half-Life, and Counter-Strike came out and made it look quite dated and juvenile. It was fine for 1996, but games and computer technology were advancing at a crazy rate in those days. And among a lot of other things, that's one of the problems with DNF. It seems stuck in that era from before shooters got really good.
I believe it was you (I may be wrong) who said a while back that "shooting space pigs while spouting one liners is so 1996". Looks like your statement rings true.
2K is threatening to blacklist anyone who wrote a bad review, which is pretty much every gaming site on the internet. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2011/06/duke-nukems-pr-threatens-to-punish-sites-that-run-negative-reviews.ars?comments=1&start=40#comments-bar
Yahtzee just ended up sounding depressed more than anything at how awful this game ended up being: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/3581-Duke-Nukem-Forever-for-real-this-time