E3 2018

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Phisix, Jun 6, 2018.

  1. [​IMG]

    Conference Schedule:

    Saturday June 9th:


    11AM PT // 2PM ET // 7PM BST // 4AM AEST (6/10)

    Sunday June 10th:


    1PM PT // 4PM ET // 9PM BST // 6AM AEST (6/11)


    9:30PM ET // 2:30 AM BST (6/11) // 11:30 AM AEST (6/11)

    Monday June 11th:


    10AM PT // 1PM ET // 6PM BST // 3AM AEST (6/12)


    1PM PT // 4PM ET // 9PM BST // 6AM AEST (6/12)

    PC Gaming Show:

    3PM PT // 6PM ET // 11PM BST // 8AM AEST (6/12)


    6PM PT // 9PM ET // 2AM BST (6/12) // 11AM AEST (6/12)

    Tuesday June 12th:


    9AM PT // 12PM ET // 5PM BST // 2AM AEST (6/13)

    Build up to E3 week and beyond. What games are you looking forward to seeing or games you wouldn't expect?

    Mine are seeing actual game play of Final Fantasy VII Remake, Resident Evil 2 Remake, Last of us 2, Death Stranding and Shenmue 3. A remaster of Tales of Vesperia might be shown as well which I am also looking forward to. Big noises about Devil May Cry 5 being real as well.
  2. Splinter Cell as ubi's ending surprise?
  3. Good shout that. Its due a comeback after all of this time plus the few rumours.
  4. I think the most telling was the splinter cell crossover in ghost recon wildlands back in april.
  5. Devil May Cry 5 finally announced. Tales of Vesperia and Kingdom hearts shown. Xbox havng a decent conference so far loads of decent games so far.
  6. That Cyberpunk 2077 trailer was glorious. What a finish!
  7. I've been really excited about it. I consider The Witcher 3 to be one of the greatest games ever made so of course I have high hopes for this one.

  8. No gameplay for it though.

    Bethesda with the Fallout MMO, and showing Starfield and Elder Scrolls VI is in development for the next generation. Also showed a new version of all of their FPS games.

    Speaking of next generation, Microsoft came out and said they are deep in the development of the next Xbox. Few more years left of this one then.

    Square-Enix, Ubisoft and Sony today(And PC for you PC nerds) so its going to be a big day!
  9. #9 cmdrmonkey, Jun 11, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2018
    DOOM 2016 is getting a sequel called DOOM Eternal. It looks like it will be a modern remake of DOOM II Hell on Earth.

    DOOM 2016 was a pleasant surprise. It was one of the best single player FPSs I've ever played, and it's probably my favorite game so far this generation. I really hope they don't screw this up.
  10. Square-Enix had a 30 minute sub-par conference showing games we had already seen apart from a new game from platinum games that look souls like and a new square game called the quiet man who is cant hear and might be a spiritual successor to The Bouncer.

    No FFVII remake so its probably saved for Sonu tonight. E3 been rubbish this year Sony to save it tonight!

  11. Sony won E3 after a weird start and that was without showing FFVII(going to be another 10 years like versus i reckon)

    Last of us 2 finally got some gameplay and it is fucking glorious. The pinnacle of this generation graphics wise. Gameplay is the same as the first but better and more streamlined.

    Ghosts of Tsushimi looks as good and its samurai fighting type gameplay which is awesome. Anothet great game coming to PS4.

    Resident Evil 2 remake gameplay was finally shown and I actually shouted out in fangirl happiness. It also looks great and it looks to make the original even better. Showed Mr X and a licker. Mr X and Birkin in the same playthrough is going to be amazing! Also its being released at the end of January next year so hype overload for me.

    Death Stranding finally got some gameplay as well but its still unclear what it really is although you did see the MC pull out a gun at one point and also there was a weird sneaking part. Along with LOU2 its looking the pinnicle of this console generation.

    Spiderman was also shown and it looks shit hot and another brand new game was shown which looks quite decent. Another game which was shown yesterday but i wasent paying attention. Kingdom hearts also shown a third and different trailer to the others. Next year is is going to be amazing for PlayStation.

  12. [​IMG]
  13. The most relevant meme ever for Square-Enix. :D

    Just Nintendo left today. Expecting gameplay for the new Smash Brothers and Metroid Prime 4. Maybe a new Zelda and Mario that is not a a flagship title.
  14. #14 AKS, Jun 12, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2018

    I have been impressed most by Ghost of Tsushima so far. The stunning environments are what immediately stood out, but I'm also quite pleased to see a game with either a samurai or ninja theme that wasn't primarily battling demons with magic powers. I'm eager to try this game out on a higher difficulty setting. I'm a huge fan of Akira Kurosawa, and I'm hoping it's somewhat similar to an interactive version of his samurai movies.


    Kurosawa's Ran
  15. That battle at the end under the red trees while fire starting raging was awesome. More games to add to the list to buy.
  16. That game is going to look mindblowing with HDR. Sucker Punch was one of the first developers (along with Insomniac, who truly set the early standards) to provide a high quality implementation of the technology with just a patch. They could top every game but GT Sport with this one with Pro settings in mind from the ground up. It's amazing what some of these developers are able to do with essentially a 1440p machine. Sony's developers are definitely sharing technology amongst themselves, too. The snow and some of the lighting effects in God of War looked like they were transplanted right out of the Horizon: Frozen Wilds DLC, and Kojima is using the same engine as Horizon. Apparently he's been kicking back feedback to Sony on how to improve it further, which could eventually show up in a Horizon sequel. Impressive efficiency that has allowed them to be surprisingly competitive visually despite having far weaker hardware compared to X1X or PC.
  17. Damn this is so sexy. You can do actual damage to zombies like blow its face off or shoot off an arm. The best and scariest looking Resident Evil to date.

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