Emo Kid's Lame Whining Fest

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by hawk4x4, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest

    Well at least you weren't murdered or turned into a sex slave.
  2. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest

    Sex slave would be nice. Where can I sign up for that?
  3. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest

    Yeah, if I try to avoid drinking people BUY me drinks and try to obligate me into it. The trick is to buy a drink (bottled works best), and cling to it all night and take sips. If I don't want to drink at all, I just get a coke and say I have a rum and coke.

    It's pretty ridiculous, but alcoholics try to turn everyone else into alcoholics.
  4. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest

    I've used both of those tricks before. The latter is only effective when I'm with new people, anyone who knows me would never believe my coke is a rum and coke. Especially since my tolerance is very low because I never drink. Last time I actually caved in to peer pressure was earlier this year in Buffalo after a Sabres game. A friend I went with insisted, so I said whatever and he got me a Long Island Ice Tea. It was disgusting and after finishing one, I was stumbling down the streets.
  5. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest

    Stick to beer. It's almost impossible to get drunk on one or two bottles of beer, and people won't bother you. That's what I do. I like beer, but I'm not a fan of liquor and I'm rarely looking to get drunk.
  6. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest


    That sums up how things are for me when I'm out with my mates. Because I don't drink they don't think I'm having fun, which is a fucking retarded conclusion in and of itself and furthermore I'm always stuck on 'care duty' where I'm stuck making sure they don't get into fights/hurt themselves and then chauffeur them around.
  7. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest

    Most of my friends just want to drink. It's a hard life.
  8. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest

    I used to drink alot while I was still in college, much like everyone else. But I grew out of it pretty quickly after graduating. I don't understand the appeal of going to work with a hangover, it fucking sucks. Also, as I get older the hangovers got so much worse, it just isn't worth it to me.
  9. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest

    Why does anyone think their friends are making them drink because they think you're NOT having fun because you're sober. Maybe they want you to drink because THEY'RE NOT having fun because you're coming over like a square...

    It's rare these days that I go out and get legless but on days when I do feel like going out and completely shit-faced there's no bigger downer than one of my friends who turns up with his car, (and totally fails to give anyone a lift home), and spends the evening hen-sipping a lime and soda while being all sanctimonious and shitty about NOT having hangovers and how booze is killing your brain cells.

    The thing is, to a guy who's drunk as a skunk, the sober guy will always be a bit dull. They're making you drink for their enjoyment...if I don't want to drink I avoid going out simply because I hate being robbed for the price of a diet coke in a bar where its almost cheaper to actually get it with a treble shot of vodka or something.
  10. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest

    I never said they wanted me to drink, I didn't even insinuate that in the slightest. Rather they worry that if you're not blind pissed you're somehow not enjoying yourself. Plus all I do is pretty much eat and play pool/gamble with my mates when were out, I'm not an arse telling them that drinking’s bad.

    Perhaps an example would clarify? A bunch of my mates wanted to go out to celebrate my 19th. Of course it was an excuse for them to get pissed, but they wanted me to come also. When I didn't drink (which they should all fucking know by know that I don't) some were concerned that I didn't actually want to be there. That was far from the truth, but they kept with their delusions till they got hammered enough for me to beat them all at pool.
  11. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest

    How hard is it to get a beer? That way you don't look like a douchey stick in the mud and everyone's happy.
  12. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest

    When I was the DD I'd always get a coke. Looks like a mixed drink and it's usually free.
  13. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest

    I guess I'll just spend the rest of my night at home by myself, since EVERYONE I know spends their nights boozing. I don't want to be selfish and ruin everyone's belligerent enjoyment by trying to be social. Its completely my fault that I'm capable of enjoying myself without being under the influence of some substance. I actually have a great time hanging even if I'm not drinking, but clearly the issue is me when I get annoyed at the end of the night when people deteriorate to a child-like mental state.

    Let me be serious and very clear for a moment, I'm not talking about casual or social drinking. The people in my area consider it a waste of the night is it doesn't end in either blacking out completely or kissing the porcelain goddess. By that moment, it becomes completely unbearable to be around people like that. It was so much easier back in the day when I smoked pot, at least then I was in my own little world by the end of the night.
  14. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest

    Makes more sense now. My friends have long since moved past the drinking to black out and puke in a toilet phase, and are fine with just a couple of drinks. I think most people leave binge drinking behind in college, unless they're alcoholics.
  15. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest

    That's exactly it, I've just outgrown my current friends. They are no ambition in life, and seem content to just work and binge drink. But I'm too lazy to get new friends, and I've known the same people so long, I can't remember how to make friends anyway.
  16. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest

    I go off drinking every now and then but I think I've finally woken up to the whole drinking to get drunk BS. I'm not the most confident person all the time and quite frankly for no damn good reason - I've just programmed myself to think that way. So like most, I find comfort in being a bit drunk and letting go of some inhibitions. Having something in your hand makes it easier to sit idle in awkward situations too.

    I have a good friend who doesn't drink and still manages to go out and have awesome nights because he's an extremely confident person. It seemed like every night though that someone would ask him what he's drinking, try to buy him a drink or something like that and then be very put off when he replies that he doesn't drink. At first he had the "be honest at all costs and screw what they think" approach but after time he started either letting them believe he was drinking to tipping out the drinks people would buy him when they weren't looking. It's stupid, but sometimes you just have to do this stuff to still have a good time.

    I'm just now remembering the times I gave up drinking (for 6 months once) but still went out because he was the only good friend I could still hang with without being pressured to drink and thus still have a good time. The main problems were the venues we went to and the people there. I managed to shake many of my inhibitions just by working on it, that way you can grow as a person and not just rely on a drug to get by as a normal person. Still, when everyone else is retarded by the end of the night, throwing up, and wanting to fight, you just DON'T want to be there.

    I'm fine with whether people drink or not, even though I'm currently not, I just have no desire to drink to get drunk and stupid anymore. I wish there were more people my age and in turn more venues to go out to that reflect this. I just want some nice bars that cater to my interests somewhat where people are there to have good conversation and meet new people without this competition to drink the most and be generally retarded.
  17. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest

    I almost never drink to get drunk anymore. I actually enjoy the drink but not the drunk so a single drink a day is usually it for me.

    A few weeks ago I did get drunk and got violently ill. I'd never been that sick in my life. I think I had a bad reaction with a medicine or something. I couldn't even keep water down.
  18. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest

    Wow! Seriously?

    Usually I pay more for soda than I would've just getting alcohol. Soda is usually $4.50 for a glass, though you do get unlimited refills. Whats funny is one time I turned into a giant vagina and ordered a water. I got bottled water and was billed $5 for it. That message came through more clearly than a horses head in my bed.
  19. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest

    $5 for water? Was that at an airport? Around here coke is free at the bars. If not just flash your keys and it turns the bartender into an ass if he charges you. I'd still tip a dollar and keep everyone happy.
  20. Emo Kid\'s Lame Whining Fest

    I wish we had "like" buttons, Fusion's post was dead on.