Emo Kid's Lame Whining Fest

Discussion in 'Everything Else' started by hawk4x4, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. I'm not sure if you just keep dating whores or if it's some kind of problem on your end.

    Is the sex bad? Are these girls not satisfied so they go behind your back to get what they need? Do you go down? Can you make a girl squirt?

    Or are you maybe coming across as clingy or getting serious too quickly so they get scared?

    [quote author=hawk4x4] She told me the truth herself and is begging me to take her back and that she would make it up to me and do anything I wanted, but I'm not sure I want to. That's not just something you get over.

    At least get a threesome or some anal out of this before you dump her.
  2. You need to move somewhere else, get away from the whore-east.
  3. Who is the girl of your dreams. I'm thinking that may be part of the problem.

    If you take her back we VAC ban for life.
  4. Didn't he also describe that abusive maneater he was dating before as "the girl of my dreams"?
  5. I think the girl of his dreams is anyone that'll have him.
  6. @hawk: shit, was hoping things were going well for you. Seems like you can't catch a break. Is there anything in what supersonic suggests above? I've known a few girls who have ended up in shitty relationships because of the guys they go for. It's kind of inevitable but they make the same choices and mistakes each time.

    Hard to say if you should give her another chance. Maybe it was a crazy mistake on her part and she'd never do it again. Maybe it's just a big early warning sign that she's not worth your time. Impossible to say probably; is go with your gut instinct.

    Anyway, hope things go better for you soon.
  7. Well, unless you specifically agreed with the other person to have a monogamous relationship outside of marriage, it's not realistic to think that they would never sleep with someone else. It's not really that unusual of a situation to be in.
  8. If she knew what happened to you with your last relationship and still did that to you... I think a good punishment is in order. I'll bring the gasoline.
  9. If things with girls are always going bad for him, maybe his destiny is with the brown side.
  10. I'm surprised some of you leave open the option for reconciliation. He could never really trust her 100% ever again. Why jump back in with the odds stacked against you when you can find someone else...
  11. I think the problem is I'm not a very affectionate person. Like the sex is always great, and it seems to be the only reason girls keep me around. For that occasional good fuck that they just can't find anywhere else. But must be I'm not all that appealing as a person. I'm just a big dick with a big dick.
  12. I don't think that's it at all. You seem to have low self esteem and girls walk all over you because you don't stand up for yourself.
  13. what cmdr is saying is that you need to lay the fist down on them every once in a while.
  14. You want to use an open hand. A fist leaves marks.

    Sometimes a woman needs a good pimp slap or a few spankings to know her place.


    I'm actually a huge softy with girls who likes to cuddle, make cutsey sounds, and use pet names. I've actually had girls tell me to "quit being such a faggot!"
  15. The most likely scenario is that you have become attracted to the wrong type of girl.
  16. [​IMG]

    I guess this is where your hatred of "fags" in everything comes from. Locked far inside a closet ready to explode.

  17. My dicks a VIP
    Your dicks got the HIV

  18. Actually that was induction and Sherlock would have slapped you against the head.
  19. He still has a ways to go before he is inducted into that world. His suppressible nature will one day accept what he truly is and he will unlock the closet door.
  20. Cuddling is cool, I can do cutesy noises... but pet names? Whatevers I'm a virgin anyways... but that's not cuz I don't let girls treat me like a boy toy :) pet names... like all of em? cutesy-woottsy booty-poo? Gotta draw the line somewhere