I'm keeping all the legendary gear I find, even though as bfun mentioned most of it shit. But only on my first character. I won't be doing the same with future characters. Loving the game so far but I haven't played it for 4 days because I'm currently really digging Black Ops 3, probably because I'm kicking ass on it.
I booked a week off work to play it and got a fair amount of time in. I think I'm around level 38. I want to play it, but as I mentioned I keep having a hankering for Blops3. I did find the time to make a few Fallout Moments videos though, this is the best one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGK_6nMWlR8
So I'm level 35 and still wearing my vault suit. Does that make me weird? I'm thinking this guy's 10mm isn't going to save him.
Last Voyage of the USS Constitution is worth doing just because the outcome is so lol-worthy. I really enjoyed launching a robot rocket pirate ship into a building. Even though it was already stuck in another building. There's also a Chinese ballistic missile sub hidden in the harbor. If you do the missions it launches tactical nukes for you. They seem a little weaker than mini-nukes though. There's a lot of wacky random stuff you find in this game if you go exploring.
Nice one. I am still playing and the more I play the more I like this game. Currently sticking with this young reporter from Diamond City trying to romance her.
So far I think Nick has the best companion missions. I'm trying to finish the Brotherhood missions but I'm stuck on a bug. I hope a patch will fix it.
I mostly use Curie, the medbot who turns into a real girl. I like the French accent. I found the Irish chick super irritating, same thing with the news reporter chick.
Curie went berserk on me during our first mission together. She wouldn't stop attacking me so I had to put her down.
Welp guess I'm done. I hit level 49 and all the important missions are done. Towards the end I maxed out the luck skills and they are a bit overpowered. Probably 75% of my vats shots are critical hits with 2.5 damage. There isn't much that isn't a shot kill. I decided to go with the Institute mostly because the Brotherhood stuff got bugged for me and I couldn't go any further. I also figured it had the best story. Had a lot of fun and in about 1 year I'll be ready for Fallout 5 or Fallout 4: A Newb Hope.
I'm almost finished. I also sided with the Institute. All of the factions are evil in some way, but they seemed like the least of the evils and like they might have the technology and resources to actually do some good. They also seemed like the most interesting faction. The Railroad aren't the good guys they initially seem to be. Their synth mind wipes tend to go disastrously bad. The Brotherhood is really evil this time around and their leader is a douchebag. I think the minutemen are pretty neutral and will side with whichever major faction you pick. I'm also at a point where I one shot kill enemies, and between the ballistic weave on my clothing and fully upgraded X01, I'm borderline invincible. The game gets a little boring when you are so overpowered.
Yeah there are still places to explore but it's no longer exciting. I'm not sure if I'd buy any DLC unless it had a new player character.
My altitis showed up early with this game. I made seven characters in the first 6 weeks of play, kept getting bored/couple of characters got bugged (lost the ability to fast travel). My current character, the 7th, is my main and I'm avoiding mistakes I made with my first main character. He's level 50 now and I think I'm ready to go into the institute for the first time. I saw what happens there because my friend was a bit of an arsehole and played that quest when I was round his place for New Year's. Oh well. While I do love Fallout 4 I find myself disappointed in many respects which is an unusual feeling for me when playing a Bethesda game. Does anyone else kind of think Bethesda didn't really give 100% with this game? Way too many filler quests (quartermastery/cleansing the commonwealth etc), dialogue choices often have literally no effect on anything, the exact same problem from Skyrim with overly long and overly numerous loading screens. I do love what they've done with companions this time, 100% improvement over Skyrim in that regard IMO, even if MacCready's perk is way OP, it's got to be bugged right now. My main issue with the game is that 99% of the locations you go to have nothing. Maybe some enemies and maybe some ammo/junk. But I went into the glowing sea and was thoroughly disappointed with how not a single one of the dozen or so locations there contained a quest. If that were Skyrim I would have left with at least 5 new FUN quests. Fallout 4 seems to just be "Go here, kill this, come back." Very little emotional connection or story to speak of with most quests. I seem to be moaning a lot but I do really enjoy the game and think it's great, it's just that the disappointing aspects really warrant mentioning considering I've never been anything other than blown away by Bethesda games before. I did bump the difficulty up from normal to very hard last night since my character is way op with the luck perks and armour that boosts perception (vats %) and agility (AP). The game was getting too easy and now it's just right. Also jetpack on Power Armour is awesome.
That's probably my biggest complaint other then the clunky interface. There is a lot of good content in FO4, but the generic filler to actual good content ratio is very high. It feels like a 30 or 40 hour game padded out to 100 hours by filler.
Well Bethesda definitely took a totally different approach to map exploring this time. In Skyrim all you had to do was walk to point A and then all new quest would open up. After point A you go to B then C and so on until you've touched the whole map. It encourages exploration but it's not very realistic. In FO4 that doesn't happen at all. Quest located at point A are always unlocked by an event at point B. I noticed this pretty early on and I think it's a bit more realistic but less fun. Having a person at point B ask you to kill super mutant Johnny Balz because he pooped on his lawn for the umpteenth time seems more like the real world. However there are times that I ventured places and killed what seemed to be important characters without ever experiencing the quest. Also the emphasis on collecting raw materials over finding better equipment probably didn't help either. You wont find a Plasma Riffle + 1. It has to be built from the raw materials and in that regard a roll of duct tape is about the most exciting thing a person can find. So in short I don't think it's because Bethesda put in less effort. I believe the differences are by design. The days of touching every place on the map might be gone. I'm trying to think about other recent open world games and remember how they did it. The Witcher 3 was a bit of a Hybrid and maybe a better model. Probably 80% of all the location did not have quests that started there but there were enough places that did and of course better loot that exploration was still encouraged.
The weapons definitely follow the Skyrim model of the best stuff being the stuff you put together yourself from raw materials. Gun nut is an essential perk. Sources of things like adhesive or aluminum end up being the most exciting loot drops, which is weird.
I'll say modding was even more important in FO4. According to the Wiki's Skyrim had 80 unique weapons while FO4 only has 44. Ammo isn't an issue in Skyrim but FO4 has over 16 types of ammo. So even if you find one of the unique weapon it's useless unless you got a good supply of it's ammo. The solution is to build the best gun you can for the ammo you have.
With this character I'm going around with a combat shotgun, assault rifle, sniper rifle, laser rifle, and a fatman for emergencies. I love the way the bartering in this game seems way more realstic. I find myself paying for things in ammo I don't need rather than caps. I agree with money, gun nut is pretty much essential if you want the best weapons. @monkey Do you know you can farm your own adhesive by growing corn, mutfruit, and tatos? Mixing those with purified water makes vegetable starch which can be turned into adhesive. Very handy. Now if I could only grow aluminium and copper...
@arma. Monkey posted the YouTube video about that some time ago. You're losing your touch as videogame knowledge sensei.