Fallout 4

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by alterego, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Pretty sure my Sanctuary was never attacked.
  2. Did you ever do the radio tower to attract more settlers? I was thinking that might attract raiders as well, but maybe not.
  3. Yeah I did those a lot. I probably had 15 settlements going. Probably 4 of them got attacked on a regular basis and it was always Super Mutants. Maybe there were more attacks that I didn't know about because the defenses were so good. A battle won alert would be nice. Sometimes I'd get the attack alert and ignore it. Then I'd get a mission failed but really there is no punishment. Any NPC with a name will respawn and common settlers replenish fast. Some times my turrets would get destroyed. I wished settlement defense was a bigger deal but I guess settlements are kinda pointless anyway.
  4. So no Super Mutants in the Concord area? I'm cool with that.
  5. Such early into the game and with like 7 or 8 settlements, I had like four attacks: super mutants twice, a pack of ghouls once and a raid of bandits once. I try to respond to the warning and it sounds surprising that ignoring doesn't bring any serious harm.

    Anyway, my male character has built a relationship with the reporter girl. I ignored the synth detective for a moment (though some of you guys mentioned his side missions) and I made the super mutant the only settler in the Red Rocket - he is not only the sole settler there but I also made him carry things to the Sanctuary (I try to have transport lines between all my settlements because it really speeds up building things when you can rely on such combined stock).
  6. Oh there is a constant patrol of them leaving Concord and passing just North of the Red Rocket. They attacked full force only once and then after that my turrets on the roof would shoot them from a distance and draw them in. I keep all my companions there so they'd kill most of them fast then chase the last one far far away. I was so proud of their teamwork.
  7. This gun made super mutants a joke. Some of the easiest enemies in the game to kill


  8. Once you hit around level 45 it's worth putting the difficulty up to very hard, and even then the game is too easy. I remember people saying the game was too easy on very hard a few weeks ago and I thought they were mad, but your character becomes so OP if built correctly. My main guy walks it on very hard now and it's not like I tried overly hard to make him OP.

    I realised that it seems most people play Fallout without using vats much, they play it like an FPS, and that's mad to me. I'm not exaggerating when I say literally 99% of my kills are in vats, I always use it, it's Fallout. And so I tend to build my characters with loads of perception and agility for higher vats accuracy and a large AP pool. Couple that with the better criticals perk, the critical banker perk, and the grim reaper's sprint perk and I'm unstoppable. My main guy has 3 pieces of armour that each give him +1 AGL and +1 PER, also his military fatigues give him +2 AGL.

    So I made a new character two days ago (my 9th) and I decided to play it a totally different way. I'm focusing on automatic weapons for the first time in this game, and I put agility and perception down low so I don't use vats much. This character is gonna be an FPS style of play, which suits auto weapons IMO because I've never found them that good in vats. All I can say is if you're focusing on automatic weapons the srcounger perk is an absolute must.

    Also Hancock is the man.
  9. The only enemies I've seen around the Red Rocket are mutant insects and mole rats. Concord seems deserted after the first Minuteman quest, although my McMansion fever has kept my exploration fairly limited.
  10. Dogmeat has been on a roll recently. Took out a raider entirely by himself, and will finish off wounded feral ghouls instantly. Lower level enemies, but still...props are deserved.
  11. You don't have him wearing welding goggles or at the very least a snazzy bandana? You're missing out.

  12. Dogmeat's Incredible Journey Home

  13. That's because I'm wearing the bandana. He did upgrade to a rather gigantic chain collar, but he's in semi-retirement at the light house settlement now.
  14. The whole game is still in beta so beta dlc makes sense
  15. Prior to heading into the Boston specific areas of the game, I only encountered some fairly minor bugs (like objects such as liquor bottles, vases, or plates placed by the user at settlements melding with the furniture or disappearing entirely) and some very brief hiccups here and there for frame rate. Boston itself is a different story, as I've run into some freezes/crashes that required a restart, as well as longer stretches of low frame rates.

    Overall though, I'd have to say that that the game has run better than I expected considering all the negativity about performance that I had read about online. Really hasn't been that bad, and I constantly save in these types of games anyway.
  16. This looks pretty interesting.

  17. I thought my mania for customizing settlements was all in the past...until I discovered Spectacle Island.