Think I've mentioned before my Hatred Of ED-E, basically it/he glitched through the floor about halfway through my last game meaning I lost a companion for a long time and couldn't complete all the side quests, so I'm playing it safe this time by using Rex, who I could get Last time due to ED-E being a bellend.
It was near-ish Red rock canyon I think he followed me up a hill/mountain and fell through the floor useless piece of scrap metal!
Don't worry I won't be doing anything crazy again like playing the game Normally, I must say I was slightly surprised though as I never had any problems with Fallout 3 and only a couple small problems with Oblivion TES IV
To be fair I didn't get any glitches at all playing NV, the only issues I had was my PS3 crashing at least once per session.
I doubt that was the Game it was most likely that terrible console you were playing it on Whereas all my glitches were DEFINITELY the Games Fault.
Oi buddy, you watch your mouth. My PS3 is still a launch day console and it gets used nearly every day. Had to have 2 360's replaced because they couldn't handle being turned on without over-heating. I really would love to play the game again and try to go for the NCR or legion ending but the crashes drove me nuts the first time through. Fantastic game and if it didn't have the issues I would defiantly put a lot of effort into getting all its trophies. I think I ended up with around 50% playing it once with the house ending which isn't too bad.
Hey my 360 is a launch(ish) day console as well and its fine... I just had to send it back once to Microsoft because It needed a replacement motherboard and DVD drive but the case is original (It has a hole in the O for Micro$oft where I dropped it, its actually A design feature I designed myself to give it extra air flow plus speed holes make everything go faster At first I couldn't be arsed to start again but I did about 35+ out of 50 Achievements and figured I could get the rest of them all on my next play-through so hopefully that goes well, Must say I'm not looking forward to doing it on Hardcore mode.
I am now over 20 hours into the gameplay, explored vast areas of the map and got into Freeside and the Strip. It is the moment of making choices for me, as I have three or four open missions for different parties which (as I expect) are mutually exclusive. For a moment I focus then on additional missions like sticking with the Brotherhood of Steel for a moment or helping to free the Black Mountain from some supermutants. I see NV as a solid evolution of this particular approach to western rpgs. The complexity of the script is overwhelming, these exclusive choices which makes you the ally or the enemy of so many different groups leading to completely different experience. What a solid ground for Skyrim
Just a heads up but side quests you do also determine how the game ends. You get little stories on just about everything you did or didn't do and how it affected different people in the ending.
I started on the White Gloves quest and the stupid thing crashed so many times I stopped playing all together. I've been trying to get back into it but haven't had the time.
Wow, I didn't know that. That would be the only drawback of such "complete freedom" approach, as from what I can conclude, there should be completely different endings for sticking with three major factions (ncr, house and the legion). The drawback is then that I'd have to split somewhere to see all the endings (which is something I barely think of). I think I am closest to the Followers of the Apocalypse and I will spoil mr House with the Chip they asked me to plant on him. This will probably ultimately mean that I will have even to destroy mr. House. Then, I do not think I will like the Legion, however I've encountered them only once or twice and they are still neutral. This leaves me closest to the ncr which probably is the reasonable choice for me. Nonetheless, I barely remember a game with so many different choices which really matter, seeing how I deal with Khans (still accepted), Fiends (vilified) or the Brotherhood of Steel (in the middle of the first mission for them) I sometimes have to reload the game as subtle choices lead to ultimate conclusions (the case of the NCR trooper in a nearby bunker which the Brotherhood asks you to get rid of).
I PC crashed about ever 2 minutes when I was in the Ultra-Luxe so I ended up killing every member of the white glove society. I also joined the Brotherhood of steel and got my power armor going on.
You can have 1 living and 1 robot companion (Ed-e or the dog). Having 2 really makes the game a breeze and you don't feel so worried when entering confined areas, it especially helps that they have infinite ammo and can never truly die!
Oh. I thought it was just one human companion and Mutants didn't count. I got 70 hours on the game so far. That's a lot.